How Communication Affects Your Life
Process of sending and receiving messages to achieve understanding In other words: Communication is ensuring that your message is clear to your audience!
Verbal – Communication Using words Nonverbal – Communication WITHOUT using words Speech Communication
Interpersonal – two or more people Intrapersonal – inward communication, communication with oneself
One to One Communication – between only two people Group Discussion – 3 or more people, usually no more than 15 Public Communication – one or more people speaking with a large audience; They are present with the audience Mass Communication – one or more people in front of a very large audience; not present with audience; always a medium, like TV, radio or internet
You learn by communicating You make decisions by communicating You find pleasure in communicating YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON COMMUNICATING!!
List several careers that require good communication skills.
1. Sincerity – believing what you’re saying 2. Knowledge – knowing the information well 3. Organization – Are your ideas well planned? 4. Listening – What kind of listener are you? 5. Confidence – Have faith in yourself as a speaker. 6. Language – Use language geared toward the audience. 7. Nonverbal Communication – Having mastery of this 8. Goal Setting – If you set your goals, you are more likely to achieve them!