Ankh The ancient hieroglyphic character that meant “eternal life”.
Cartouche An oval ring that is a hieroglyph representation of a length of rope folded and tied at one end. The rope surrounds hieroglyphs that make up the name of an Egyptian God or royal person. The looped rope represents magical powers to protect the name of that is written.
Wedgat Eye – the eye of wholeness An ancient symbol of protection, royal power, and good health.
Pectoral The pectoral was usually a large, flat breastplate made of gold or copper, often decorated with symbols and inlaid with precious stones or glass. Pectorals were hung over the chest by a chain around the neck. Both collars and pectorals were worn by men and women alike.
Rosetta Stone This stone is a written decree that was written on behalf of a king in 196 BC. The decree is written 3 times in 3 different scripts- Ancient Egyptian, Demotic, and Ancient Greek. The stone provided the key to the modern understanding of ancient hieroglyphics.
Scarab An object symbolizing the holy beetle in ancient Egypt.
An obelisk is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramid at the top. Obelisks were thought to act as magical protection to monuments and temples.
The Great Sphinx of Gaza was between 2558 and 2532 B.C. The statue, illustrating the body of a lion and the head of a man, likely loomed above a temple erected along the east-west axis following the sun's daily path in the sky. The sphinx has the body of a lion and the head of a man. It is 66 ft tall
Inventions and innovations Bowling Sickle Door locks Shaving and cutting hair Makeup Boats and sails Construction tools
Inventions and innovations Toothpaste and breath mints Plough Irrigation Calendars and clocks