1 WISE SoE data reporting: cycle of business processes 2013 Marine Eionet Workshop 24/25 September 2013, Copenhagen Marek Staron Data operator SES2, EEA.


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Presentation transcript:

1 WISE SoE data reporting: cycle of business processes 2013 Marine Eionet Workshop 24/25 September 2013, Copenhagen Marek Staron Data operator SES2, EEA

EEA/ETC-ICMEEA/ETC-ICMMSMS WISE SoE data flow cycle Preparation Reporting Processing 2 Feedback

WISE SoE data flow – Preparation EEA/ETC 3 ROD updateROD DD update (TCM, BiologyTCwaters)DDTCMBiologyTCwaters Evaluation scoring criteria updateEvaluation scoring criteria ROD updateROD DD update (TCM, BiologyTCwaters)DDTCMBiologyTCwaters Evaluation scoring criteria updateEvaluation scoring criteria Validation question preparation (including Critical QA Issues)Validation question CDR and Automatic QA service update Validation question preparation (including Critical QA Issues)Validation question CDR and Automatic QA service update Result: Request letterRequest letter – start of the Data collection Result: Request letterRequest letter – start of the Data collection May-June June (early July) July-August(Sept.) 31 July or 1 August

4 Internal procedures (?) Read carefully the request letter, instruct the actual reporters Internal procedures (?) Read carefully the request letter, instruct the actual reporters Feedback: Questions on the request letter ? Feedback: Questions on the request letter ? Result: Updated national database (?) Result: Updated national database (?) August ? - October ? August ? - October ? WISE SoE data flow – Preparation MS

5 Filling the latest versions of reporting templates from DD with national data – new data or updates of previously reported data Response to validation questions (redelivery, explanation) Creation of new CDR envelopesCDR Data delivery upload Filling the latest versions of reporting templates from DD with national data – new data or updates of previously reported data Response to validation questions (redelivery, explanation) Creation of new CDR envelopesCDR Data delivery upload Result: Released and completed CDR envelope Result: Released and completed CDR envelope August- 31 October (April!) WISE SoE data flow – Reporting (EIONET)

6 Data downloads Imports to working databases of ETC/ICM QA/QC and processing by ETC/ICMQA/QC and processing Data merging (including Marine conventions data) and creation of European datasets QA/QC and processing by EEA Country evaluations Data downloads Imports to working databases of ETC/ICM QA/QC and processing by ETC/ICMQA/QC and processing Data merging (including Marine conventions data) and creation of European datasets QA/QC and processing by EEA Country evaluations Result: Updated European datasets published in WaterbaseWaterbase Result: Updated European datasets published in WaterbaseWaterbaseNovember-April(June!) WISE SoE data flow – Processing

Operational issues Request letter is not read and is not used as a guidance document by the actual reporters Data are reported in outdated templates or in a different format than requested Validation questions (Critical QA issues) are not addressed Late deliveries Double reporting Automatic QA service is not used, detected issues are not corrected CDR envelopes are not completed No or late replies to QA/QC feedback from ETC-ICM 7 WISE SoE data flow – Main issues Data quality issues Delays in data processing. Less time can be spent on the preparation and improvements of the data flows. Delays in data processing. Less time can be spent on the preparation and improvements of the data flows.