Welcome! Oaklawn Language Academy Mr. Baños First Grade Spanish, Social Studies and Math Teacher
Santiago Baños-Cruz I am from Puerto Rico. This is my 8 th year in Oaklawn Language Academy. I have a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education I am Married
Santiago Baños-Cruz My wife is from Ecuador. My son is 24 years. I like Baseball, Basketball, Football(NFL) and Boxing.
Thought Effort affects learning outcomes at least as much as intellectual ability.
Thoughts The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward
I hope to make your child’s experience at school a positive one. Your cooperation is needed to make this year a success. I feel that we can do a better job if we work closely with the home in assisting each child. I know that you are concerned about your child’s well being and want him (her) to experience a happy a successful school year. The development of our students into responsible, well- behaved citizen is one of the primary goals of Oaklawn Language Academy. I believe students can form excellent citizenship habits by accepting responsibility for their behavior. When the students decide to make inappropriate choices, the consequences will be firm, fair and consistent. I believe the development of excellent citizenship is a shared responsibility, one belonging to staff, students and parents.
Morning Procedures Arrive, unpack, and place belongings in specified area. Take out their agenda. Go to assigned seat, where name tags and morning work materials will be placed. Complete morning assignment. Centers will be open for early finishers.
Breakfast policy Breakfast is available to all children. Some children are eligible for free or reduced-price breakfast. Other choose to buy breakfast at school. Breakfast students will go directly to the cafeteria between 8:45 AM and 9:15 AM, or upon bus arrival.
Grading The grading scale for grade 1 is as follows: 1= Does not meet expectations 2= Inconsistently meets expectations 3= Consistently meets expectations Parents will be informed of their child’s progress every 3.5 weeks via progress report. Work samples will be sent home weekly.
The Home School Connection: Communication I will send a class newsletter home each month to inform parents about curriculum and events. An agenda book will come home for you to review, sign and return daily. Please contact me at anytime via .
Classwork Policy Work ethic is a reflection of character. It is equally as important as ability. Students are expected to complete and turn in class work daily. Failure to complete and turn in assignments on a consistent basis will negatively affect your child’s overall grade. You will be notified via your child’s agenda book, , and/or phone call if your child fails to turn in work. Students will be rewarded for demonstrating responsibility.
Homework Policy It is your child’s responsibility to turn in homework. Homework is assigned Monday- Thursday of each week. Failure to turn in homework will negatively affect your child’s final grade. You will be notified if your child fails to turn in homework.
Attendance Policy The building is open for students each day at 8:45. Students are tardy after 9:15, and must report to the office for a pass to class. Make-up work will be given when students have excused absences. Please ensure that your child is absent only when necessary to avoid a decline in school achievement.
Behavior Management Plan Classroom Rules: Raise your hand when you want to speak. Walk at all times when inside the building. Keep hands, feet and all objects to yourself. Do not take matters into your own hands. Consequences: Warning In-class time-out (5-10 minutes) Out of class time out(10-15 minutes) Parents Contacted Referral is written up on students and sent to the office.
Success Is The Only Option: Differentiated Centers- students are allowed to do independent work using activities designed for their level of understanding. Small Group Instruction- during independent work time, I and the assistant teacher will work with small groups for more intensive focus.
Contact Information School Telephone: (980)