Finals Week Homework “Project” Your finals week homework project consists of four separate assignments (Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, respectively). The deadline for all four parts is noon, Thursday of finals week (Dec 12).
This affects your grade Your average on these four assignments accounts for 5% of your overall grade in he course, so, for most of you, neglecting this work will affect your letter grade by at least a +/– factor, maybe by as much as a full letter. Also, this work has a strong impact on your ability to earn an A or A- in the course, assuming one of those grades is within your grasp.
A or A- According to the grade scale in your syllabus: In order to earn an A or A- in the course you must: 1. Have a course average of 90 or greater; and 2. Have passed all four parts of the finals week homework with scores of 70 or better. Note: your course average is.05FW +.05H +.15Q +.75T Where FW, H, Q, and T are your finals week average, homework average, quiz average and test average, respectively.
Content Pt 1 covers a variety of problems from set math, counting, probability and elsewhere, where the common theme is conversion or interpretation of data (using Venn diagrams, or tables, for instance). Today’s topic (P3M2 from our text) is included in Pt 1. Pt 2 covers arguments. Pt 3 covers geometry. Pt 4 covers the rest. Just as with your other homework, you get three attempts at each assignment, and the highest score counts.
Progression The four parts of the finals week homework are linked in this sequence: You cannot log into Pt 2 until you have either passed Pt 1 with a 70 or higher, or used up all three attempts at Pt 1. Pt 3 is linked to Pt 2 in a similar fashion, and Pt 4 is linked to Pt 3.
Scoring Although it is important to pass each part with a 70 or higher, you will usually want to get the best score that you can (not just a 70), since the finals week average is 5% of your overall grade. Once you have passed an assignment and moved on, you can return for another attempt at it, later, if you haven’t used all three attempts.