PRIVACY Claim of individuals, groups or institutions to determine when, how and to what extent personal information is communicated Right of the individual to control what happens with their personal information
INTERNATIONAL PRIVACY LAW OECD Guidelines EU Data Protection Directive APEC Privacy Framework
AUSTRALIAN PRIVACY LAW Commonwealth, state and territory legislation Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) – Government agencies National Privacy Principles (NPPs) – Private sector – Fair collection, use and disclosure, data quality, data security, openness, access and correction, identifiers, anonymity, transborder data flows, sensitive information Australian Law Reform Commission – Uniform Privacy Principles (UPPs)
SPAM Unsolicited electronic messages – Large number of recipients – Commercial focus Major problems caused by spam – Privacy – Content – Financial costs Spam Act 2003 (CTH)
CASE STUDY: GOOGLE STREET VIEW April 2008 Aaron and Christine Boring -sued Google maps for trespassing -displaying images of their garden and home -Lost the case -Town of Minnesota sent a letter to Google, images were removed August 2008, Japan -Complaints including infringement on citizens -Pictures were being taken over short fences and walls into private areas -Google then lowered the cameras by 40cm to respect the privacy of homeowners May 2009, Greek Hellencic Data Protection Authority -Greek authorities wanted additional information on the storage of the images taken by Google -Wanted to measure the company's privacy rights
denks :-)