Title Your Name Grade Teacher
What is a Skeleton? A skeleton is a system of bones that provide support for your body. The skeleton of humans and other mammals are similar.
How many bones are in the human skeleton? The adult skeleton is made up of approximately 206 bones. An infant has more than 300 bones.
What are the functions of the bones? Support –Give structure so you can stand Protection –Provide protection for delicate organs in your body Locomotion –Give you the ability to move from one place to another
What is a Joint? A joint is a place where 2 bones come together There are 3 basic types of joints 1.Hinge Moves in one direction. Ex: elbow 2.Ball-and-socket The ball of one bone fits into the socket of another bone. Ex: shoulder 3.Gliding Moves in a gliding motion. Ex. Wrist
3 things I found interesting about bones.