Building Reflective / Evaluative Capacity in Pupils Curricular Evening Thursday 12 th November 2015
Aims of Workshop To share our understanding of the importance of learner dialogue. To consider how we can support our pupils to develop reflective thinking and talking skills. To consider how reflective dialogue can support the reporting process.
Why is Reflective Dialogue important? During learning activities, staff discuss regularly with learners their progress and achievements. This helps young people to gain self ‑ awareness and skills, and to increase [their] independence.
Learner dialogue supports: children’s understanding of their own learning on-going assessment the profiling process monitoring and tracking of progress and achievement
Who is involved in dialogue with the learner? Practitioners (known adult) parents peers Support staff the learner Partners
Involving the Learners It is important to plan the learning with the learners. Learners need to develop the language of learning in order to take increasing responsibility for their learning. When learners understand their learning they are able to support the monitoring and tracking of their progress within the classroom. Their understanding of their learning supports (and is supported by) a meaningful profiling process. Achieving the above requires practitioners to scaffold the appropriate skills for learners.
Skills/ Techniques questioning speculating listening deferring judgements prompting challenging affirming encouraging
Consider this… Imagine if your child held their own parent interview. What would they say about themselves? Do they have the skills to talk about themselves? Do we have all the necessary skills to talk about them as learners?