University Retention Schedule Training
Introduction to the University Retention Schedule
Who is the Retention Schedule for? ALL University staff are responsible for their records and thus all should follow the Schedule consistently, unless an exception applies. Exceptions: when records are required, or are expected to be required, for legal reasons e.g. a court case pending, or if a Freedom of Information request has been received. In such circumstances it is illegal to destroy the relevant material.
Who should use it? YOU! ALL University staff: » Academic School Managers/Heads of Schools and Heads of Professional Services Departments or their nominated representatives are responsible for agreeing the schedule with the University Records Manager » Records Liaison Officers can help promote best practice in their area » The schedule should be used by ANY member of staff using records in their work
Why use the Retention Schedule? Legal requirements: In particular, records relating to financial and environmental concerns, health and safety and contractual agreements. Business continuity: Using the Retention Schedule will result in an overall smoother running of the University, ensuring that records are kept and disposed of correctly. Space and efficiency: Freeing up office space and the prompt disposal of records that the Retention Schedule encourages ensures that there is a better use of storage space. Version control: Disposing of previous or draft versions of records ensures that only the most up to date and accurate records are maintained. Historical interest: The schedule ensures that records of potential historic value are retained permanently in the University Archives.
What is a Retention Schedule? A Retention Schedule: identifies and describes an organization's records (i.e. all categories of information that the University needs to carry out its business, and to fulfil legal and regulatory requirements) provides guidance and instructions for the retention and disposal of records throughout their life applies to all University records, in all formats (i.e. paper and electronic).
The University Retention Schedule has been specially designed to support the University Records Management Policy. It is closely based on the JISC Business Classification Scheme and Records Retention Schedule for Higher Education Institutions. It has been developed in collaboration with staff across the University and signed off by senior management. What is special about this Retention Schedule?
Where should it be used? The retention schedule applies to records held in both paper and electronic formats, including microfiche, CDs and external drives. A common misconception is that it does not cover , research records or personal files, but these all count as University records and fall under the schedule.
When should it be used? The retention schedule can be used at any point in the life of a record: When new records are created » This is the most effective point in the life of a record to decide how long it should be kept, and why » When creating a new file, document or database entry etc., the retention schedule will provide guidance on how to store, manage and ultimately dispose of the record
When designing or modifying systems for the management of records (paper and electronic) » Filing systems and database/ business systems should ensure that all business and legal requirements are met » Well designed systems support the effective management and retrieval of records and information When should it be used?
When transferring files to the Records Centre » Office space is limited, so files that are only consulted occasionally my be best stored in the Records Centre. » Always use the Retention Schedule to check how long records need to be retained before sending them to Records Centre When should it be used?
When destroying files » In order to operate efficiently, meet legal requirements and minimise risk, University records should not be retained longer than needed; nor should records be destroyed sooner than is required. » The Retention Schedule provides consistent recommendations for the retention periods, and can be used to keep an audit trail. When should it be used?
How to use the University Retention Schedule Please click HERE to view our website where you will also find other support and guidance on Records Management and on the retention schedule.HERE Thank you for watching this introduction to the University Retention Schedule and don’t forget to organise your files! Also, don’t forget our contact details which can also be found on our website: Extension: 45675