Media strategies Use frequency to change behavior Primary support from television for broad reach Compliment television with mediums that help us increase frequency (OOH) Use in-kind media to boost our overall reach and frequency
Recommended Option Schedule deliveries
Secondary media Out-Of-Home Bus sides Bus shelter posters Indoor advertising
Negotiated bonus media for MPAAT Spot TV: Goal - for every $100 MPAAT spends, get $50 in free ad time Bus sides: Buy one, get one free Transtop: Buy one, get one free Indoor: Buy 4 months, get one free Daily Newspaper: Most (80%) buy one, get one free
Magnifying the budget Paid media$3.2 million Negotiated free media$1.3 million Total$4.5 million
Campaign results Awareness Action
Results Awareness Aided & Unaided Main Message Recall (smokers & non-smokers)
Secondhand smoke gives non-smokers increased lung cancer/heart disease risks Advertising recall = Action Found this statement to be very convincing No Advertising RecallUnaided Advertising Recall
Secondhand smoke causes infants and toddlers to have problems like asthma Advertising recall = Action Found this statement to be very convincing No Advertising RecallUnaided Advertising Recall
Advertising recall = Action Believe secondhand smoke is harmful No Advertising RecallUnaided Advertising Recall
Advertising recall = Action Asked to be seated in non-smoking section of restaurant With Ad RecallNo Ad Recall
Advertising recall = Action Avoided a bar due to cigarette smoke With Ad Recall No Ad Recall
Advertising = Action Asked a close friend or relative not to smoke Before Campaign Campaign Midpoint
Actions by smokers Smokers who asked someone nearby to put out a cigarette Before Campaign During Campaign
Actions by smokers Smokers who asked a close friend or relative not to smoke Before Campaign After Campaign
Advertising = Action Tried calling a helpline Unaided Recall of Advertising No Recall
Advertising = Action Helplines are a good idea With Unaided Recall of Advertising No Recall
Advertising = Action Ever envision using a helpline No Ad RecallAided Advertising RecallUnaided Advertising Recall
Advertising = Action Have decreased smoking in the last 60 days Unaided Recall Aided Recall No Recall
Advertising = Action Have quit for 30+ days Before Campaign Campaign Mid-point
JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASOND Baseline Survey Wave 1 April 5, 2001 Start of Campaign ETS 8,076 TRPs 99% reach 81x freq. Helpline 6,288 TRPs 99% reach 64x freq. ETS 5,858 TRPs 99% reach 59x freq. Helpline 175 TRPs 60% reach 2.9x freq. ETS 2,979 TRPs 99% reach 30x freq. Helpline 600 TRPs 80% reach 7.5x freq. Helpline 5,120 TRPs 99% reach 51x freq. Data Collection Wave 2 Data Collection Wave 3 Data Collection Wave 4 Data collection was originally intended to occur during September, Due to the events of September 11th, the survey was postponed to November TRPs (Target Rating Points): The sum of all rating points achieved for a particular period of time against a specific target (A 18-49). Reach: Percentage of individuals in the target demo (A 18-49) exposed to the media schedule. Frequency: Average number of times an individual in the target demo was exposed to a message. MPAAT Media Campaign