Input on vulnerable mission available Fall Doing contextual global mission that is not post-colonial and does not create dependency. WMA (World Mission Associates) represented by their director Jean Johnson working together with AVM (Alliance for Vulnerable Mission) represented by their chairman Dr. Jim Harries
Who We Are … Jim Harries (PhD) made lecture / seminar tours and engaged in conferences with USA missions institutions in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012 and Jim (from UK) has lived and ministered in East and Southern Africa since He has practiced vulnerable mission in Kenya, using the Luo and Swahili languages, since He has authored 6 books and numerous peer reviewed articles. Jean Johnson spent 6 years with Cambodian people in the USA before doing ministry for over 16 years in Cambodia. She is co- director of the WMA, that seeks to help mission interests overcome dependency problems. Jean is the author of We are not the Hero. Read on to learn more …
What is on offer Dr. Jim Harries is seeking to set aside 2 months, in October / November 2016, to offer guidance in the USA on the practice of vulnerable mission and how to avoid dependency in global mission engagement. Jean Johnson is free to join him for parts of this tour. Lectures, seminars, sermons, conferences, discussions, encouragement, challenges, workshops, coaching, guest speakers … Seminaries, universities, churches, mission agencies … The Alliance for Vulnerable Mission believes that some Western missionaries should, in their ministry outside of the West, be engaging using only indigenous languages and resources. World Mission Associates seeks to assist mission initiatives to overcome issues concerning the creation of dependency.
Please let me know if you would like Jim, with or without Jean, to visit you in October or November 2016 Please propose dates. If you do not propose dates, but are interested, tell Jim and he will give you dates in due course as he plans his trip. Jim will only be ready to make this proposed trip if sufficient funds can be found to cover international travel and associated costs. If funds specifically for this trip are not committed within the next few months, Jim will be forced to cancel out. Johnson8 Johnson8 Web sites s: “Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals …” (Lk. 10:3-4a)