The Road to College: Rigor, Readiness, and Retention
To help all students do rigorous work and meet or exceed high standards in each content area we must help students: Develop as readers and writers. Develop deep content knowledge. Know content specific strategies for reading, writing, thinking and talking. Develop habits, and behaviors to use knowledge and skills. Meeting the Challenge
The Mission of AVID The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students, and most especially the least served students who are in the middle: will succeed in rigorous curriculum; will complete a rigorous college preparatory path; will enter mainstream activities of the school; will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges; and will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society. AVID’s systemic approach is designed to support students and educators as they increase schoolwide/districtwide learning and performance.
What is AVID? A structured, college preparatory system working directly with schools and districts A direct support structure for first-generation college goers, grades 4-12 A schoolwide approach to curriculum and rigor adopted by nearly 4,000 middle schools and high schools in 45 states and 15 countries A professional development program providing training throughout the U.S.
AVID is: a program that teaches students tools to succeed hard work for students who have potential for kids who want to do better a college preparatory class a group of friends that both support and encourage one another a class that helps with organization and time management a life-changing class
AVID is NOT: a remedial class for remedial students a study hall easy for the unmotivated student busy work
Over 28 years, AVID has become one of the most successful college-preparatory programs ever for low-income, underserved students, and today reaches more than 320,000 students in nearly 4,000 U.S. schools in 45 states, Canada, and 15 other countries. AVID: 28 Years of Success
Why AVID Works Places AVID students in rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to achieve; Provides the explicit “hidden curriculum” of schools; Provides a team of students for positive peer identification; and Redefines teacher’s role as that of student advocate.
AVID Student Selection Ability College Potential Desire and Determination Looking for three things:
AVID STUDENTS are: students with GPAs between willing to improve their schoolwork by working harder than normal motivated to be better students goal-oriented and want to attend a 4-year university able and willing to take and to succeed in AP/IB/Honors classes involved in many extra curricular activities well-behaved much better prepared for college than their classmates more knowledgeable about how to succeed in school and in life
Writing Curriculum Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading to learn
Organization AVID Binder Agenda Cornell Notes Tutorial Request Forms Portfolios
A Sample Week in the AVID Elective Daily or Block Schedule AVID Curriculum includes: Writing Curriculum College and Careers Strategies for Success AVID Tutorials Include: Collaborative Study Groups Writing Groups Socratic Seminars