EÐL620M / Life in the Universe Life in the Universe Astrophysics – chemistry – Biology – earth-/planetary sciences Atoms - chemical bond Carbon chemical bond Atoms and molecules in space ; Informations derived from spectroscopy Molecules in the universe ; Existance and formation Interactions between light and matter ; photochemistry, photoionization, photofragmentation Thermochemistry in the Universe Biochemistry
Entropy (S total ) of the Universe increases i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system path S total S total (1) S total (2) S total S total (max) dS total >0 dS total = 0 Changes / evolutions DO occur equilibrium: Changes / evolutions Do not occur ?
i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system S galaxies 0 S total = S galaxies + S other >0 Entropy (S total ) of the Universe increases
i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system Entropy (S total ) increases i.e. Changes / evolutions occur s solar systems 0 S total = s solar systems + S other >0
i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system Entropy (S total ) increases i.e. Changes / evolutions occur S reaction 0 S total = S reaction + S other >0 A(l)B(l) A(l) + B(l) C(s)
i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system Entropy (S total ) increases i.e. Changes / evolutions occur S Life 0 S total = S Life + S other >0 H C N O C H..
i.e. S total >0 for an isolated system Entropy (S total ) increases i.e. Changes / evolutions occur S reaction 0 S total = S reaction + S other >0 A(l)B(l) A(l) + B(l) C(s)
path S total S total (1) S total (2) S total S total (max) dS total >0 dS total = 0 Changes / evolutions occur Equilibrium: Changes / evolutions DO not occur G system S total path G system - S total G system G system (2) G system (1) dG system <0 Changes / evolutions occur G system (min) dG system = 0 Equilibrium: Changes/evolutions DO not occur
Equilibrium ? Inequilibrium ?
A B A + B C + D [D][C] [A][B] = K ? Chemistry slow in space/ ISM...inequilibrium conditions
A + B C + D Path Energy, E A + B C + D EaEa T Equilibrium
A + B C + D Path Energy, E A + B C + D EaEa T Inequilibrium Equilibrium
Path Orka, E EaEa T HNC HCNExample: HNC HCN Equilibrium [HCN] [HNC] 10 5
HNC HCN Path Energy, E HNC HCN EaEa T Dæmi: Inequilibrium in ISM: [HCN] [HNC] 1
Equilibrium: [HCN] [HNC] 10 5 Inequilibrium in ISM: [HCN] [HNC] 1 HNC HCN ; G = 0 ; G < 0 G = G o + RT ln( ) [HCN] [HNC] G o = - RT ln(K) G - 3 J mol -1 G < - 3 J mol -1 = maximum work!? G Reaction occurs “to right”: HNC HCN
G = maximum work!? HNC HCN w = work G = w max reagents Products w = work q = heat U = Internal energy = w 1 + q 1 = w 2 + q 2 = w 3 + q 3 : = w max + q min : G = w reversible