文本解读与目标预设初探 (说明类) 温州八高 吴文华
说明类文本特点 characteristics of expository text inform, explain, describe, or define something highlight main ideas not reveal the opinion of the writer rely on structure to develop ideas logical order /logical supporting facts clarity, unity and coherence, smooth transitions present in a second / third person
标题 1.The Road to Modern English 2. How Life Began on the Earth 3. Chemical or Organic Farming? 4. Puzzles in Geography 5. Theme Parks—Fun and More Than Fun What does “the road” mean? Why is “the road” chosen and used? How is “the road” developed and expressed by the author? Which sentences or expressions express “the road”? What is your comment on “the road”?
副标题解读 Festivals and celebrations Festivals of the dead Festivals to honor people Harvest festivals Spring festivals What do these subtitles tell us? What do they serve as? How are they related to each other? How are the subtitles related to the title?
插图、注解 How Life Began on the Earth What do the pictures tell us? Why are the pictures presented in the reading passage? What can you predict about the passage from the pictures ?
文本语言的解读 What can you conclude from the words of bold print? How do they related to each other? ( skin/ organ/ barrier/ poison/ rays/ complex) First Aid For Burns
文本语言( How Life Began on the Earth ) What does the author use “however” (in line 1) to introduce us? Why is “Mars” mentioned in Para.3 ? What does “unlike” the earth ( line.17) tell us? What does the “But sentence ” in the last Para. tell us (line47.)? Do the “3 which” function the same in the following sentences? Why is “be to do” used repeatedly in the passage ? What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future of the earth? Which sentence tells us? Can you name some of the “discourse markers” and “sentence connectors” in the passage? Why are they used?
Showing Our Feelings Showing happiness Showing anger Showing agreement Showing boredom Showing respect main idea major ideas supporting details smile frown nod yawn/look away Stand at a little distance with open hands 文体结构
Major idea1: Over time I have been changed quite a lot. Supporting details: 1. calculating machine 2. analytical machine 3. universal machine 4. PC 5. laptop Major idea 2: These changes only became possible as my memory improved. Supporting details: 1. Tubes 2. transistors 3. chips 4. network 5. World Wide Web Major idea 3: Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. Supporting details: 1.communications 2. finance 3. trade 4. robots 5. mobile phones 6. medical operations 7. space rockets Main idea: The development of the computer and its applications. Who am I 文体结构
Expository sequence Comparison/Contrast Cause-Effect Problem-Solution Description Concept/ definition
description sequence Cause Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Graphic organizers
problem solution Alike different Comparison/Contrast Graphic organizers
Chemical or organic farming What are some of the problems caused by chemical fertilizers? First, they damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones. Chemicals also stay in the ground an underground water for a long time. This affects crops and, therefore, animals and humans, since chemicals get inside the crops and cannot just be washed off. These chemicals in the food supply build up in people’s bodies over time. Many of these chemicals can lead to cancer or other illnesses. In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition, they may look beautiful, but inside there is usually more water than vitamins and minerals. Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 cause
With these discoveries, some farmers and many customers are beginning to turn to organic farming. Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals Chemical or organic farming problem solution Concept/ definition
PatternSignal Words /phrases Sequence Comparison/ contrast Cause and Effect Problem and solution Description Concept/ definition signal words and phrases for each pattern appear, look like, for example, such as first, later, next; then; finally in contrast; alike; same as; also, as well, on the other hand,unlike, similarly, just as reasons why; if...then; as a result; lead to, result in, therefore; because What is---? be simply, be called, in other words, that is, be known as turn to, question, answer, problem, difficulty, solve
了解文章的主题信息 理解与表达主题信息的相关词句的意思 利用标题(副标题、插图)预测文章大意 利用上下文线索猜测词义; 利用主题句概括段落或篇章大意; 利用信号词判断段落结构 归纳主题呈现策略 目标
重点:说明类文章的主题与主题呈现手段,段落结构 难点:说明类文体结构特点的识别、归纳与总结 目标
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