Ecosystem Approach and the development of an EcAp Measures Gap Analysis 4 th Meeting of the EcAp Coordination Group 9–10 October 2014 (Athens, Greece)
Ecosystem Approach and the development of an EcAp Measures Gap Analysis COP18 EcAp Decision (Decision IG. 23/1) “ Request the Secretariat to: Undertake a gap analysis of existing Barcelona Convention/Protocols measures relating to the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach and based on this analysis, enable the EcAp CG to further reflect on key measures for the implementation of EcAp Secretariat’s gap analysis on existing measures and specific analysis by Plan Bleu on socioeconomic impacts of possible measure, in order to develop an “a la carte” menu of additional possible measures and transboundary cooperation options on further implementation of EcAp in the Mediterranean region and in its sub-regions Foreseen for first half of 2015
Ecosystem Approach and the development of an EcAp Measures Gap Analysis Initial EcAp Gap Analysis; Draft EcAp Gap Analysis to be developed by March 2015 and discussed in MAP Focal Points Meeting, based on -Comments and inputs of Contracting Parties(both today and written- by 31 October); -Mainly based on country reports, additional assessments of implementation gaps. -Importance of Socio-Economic segment: for potential new measures.
Ecosystem Approach and the development of an EcAp Measures Gap Analysis Structure of the Initial Analysis: Introduction/Key Pressures and the UNEP/MAP system; Initial gap analysis- by sub-clusters, based on key regional instruments such as -SAP/BIO, specific Action Plans, Strategies related to Biodiversity and Non-Indigenous Species (with development of specific NAPs) and work on MPAs and SPAMIs; -SAP/MED, Pollution and Litter related Regional Plans, NAPs, ongoing work on their update and on the drafting of the Offshore Action Plan; - Coast and Hydrography related Action Plan, national implementation steps and -noting key partnerships, projects achievements (such as of MedPartnership, Pegaso, Perseus, etc); -With specific analysis by sub-cluster on gaps identified already in the Initial Assessment and with a Summary Table.
Ecosystem Approach and the development of an EcAp Measures Gap Analysis Key Questions to address today, to guide our further work: Do you agree with the key points of the Initial Measures Gap Analysis, do you see need to add measures not listed? Your views on potential gaps already identified? For the draft Gap Analysis development direction focus should be more gap/potential new measures and implementation status focused or more analytical, focused on of existing policies? Your views on an EcAp Programme of Measures as a follow-up to the EcAp Measures Gap Analysis of mid-2015: is it realistic to foresee for COP19?
Contact: United Nations Environment Programme Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan Vassileos Konstantinou 48 Athens Greece