ROAD PAVEMENTS FORUM Villa Via Hotel May 2005 Final Session: Resolutions
Resolution #1 That a RPF working group be formed, comprising authorities, consultants, contractors and suppliers, to meet with CIDB/SAICE/SANS to get an understanding of the issues around national procurement policies and their effects on standards and specifications in the roads industry
Resolution #2 That a RPF Working Group be formed to provide direction for the review of pavement design methods To be convened by Hechter Theyse
Resolution #3 That the RPF Working Group on foamed- bitumen treated materials be reactivated and that its scope be expanded to include bitumen-emulsion treated materials
Resolution #4 (1) That the proposed amendments to SANS 307 be adopted: –Mass change after RTFOT (%max) – 0.3 –Increase in R&B SP after RTFOT (ºC max) – 7 –Viscosity at 60ºC for 60/70 pg bitumen (min Pa S) – 140
Resolution #4 (2) and that the following caveat on modification be included in SANS 307: –Compliance of bitumen with this specification does not guarantee compatibility with various modifiers. Consequently the onus rests with the manufacturer of modified binders to ensure compatibility through testing.
Resolution #5 That MMLS-related activities be included in reports on APT at future meetings of the RPF
Resolution #6 It is recommended that road owners should limit the use of non-traditional additives for gravel roads to those products that have been certificated fit-for-purpose by Agrément South Africa
Resolution #7 That the RPF Sponsors jointly meet to discuss the issues that have been raised at the RPF, including the possibility of meeting with the Minister of Transport and that the role and function of the RPF be revisited at the 10 th meeting of the RPF