Wild life and it's reaction to global warming
SummarySummarySummarySummary Introduction Consequences on fish Consequences on turtles Consequences on polair bears Consequences on corals Conclusion
Introduction The subject we have chosen is about the consequences of global warming on sea animals. We have decided to talk about this because we think that animals are very important for our planet, and if everyone helped a little bit the planet wouldn't be as polluted.
Consequences on fish If the water is polluted, it becomes either too cold or too warm for the fish, obliging them to move. After a while, the fish can become sick or too weak to change their environmental place and they might die.
Little by little, there will be less fish and therefore less food for others animals and us. So if everybody helped just a little bit, the fish could swim in peace and other animals could eat them, and animals could eat those animals...
Consequences on turtle It's very important not to throw ANYTHING into the sea, doing so could be toxic and even deadly for the sea- life. For example, if you throw a plastic bag into the water, sea turtles which eat jelly fish may mistake the bag for food, eat it, suffocate, and die.
Consequences on polar bears Global warming causes a decrease in the surface and the thickness of the ice. Moreover, it melts earlier and forms again later, leaving less time for bears to find and make reservations for food: the fasting period is too long (bears feed mainly on seals on the ice in winter), involving a loss of weight (hence energy) and fat (and therefore resistance to cold).
Consequences on corals The man remains the main enemy of the coral. It is he who, through his activities, is causing the destruction of many coral reefs in the world. Some fishing techniques such as the use of gill nets, fishing with cyanide, and especially fishing with dynamite, damage, often permanently, the coral reefs. Also, by catching certain species, man deprives corals of its natural defenders. Therefore, the fish that feed on corals die.
Conclusion To help all of the animals around you, the things to do for a better and cleaner planet are simple. First, NEVER throw out your waste on the floor. Throw them in the nearest garbage can, and if there aren't any, try to have a plastic bag on you all times so you can leave your things in the bag.