Religion Defined
EQ: How is religion defined?
On the lined side of an index card, Define Religion.
***Religion… the service or worship of God or the supernatural - Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary a specific system of faith and worship – Oxford English Dictionary a set of symbolic forms and acts which relate man to the ultimate condition of his existence – Robert Bellah
***Religion… Beliefs, attitudes, emotions, behavior, etc., constituting man’s relationship with the powers and principles of the universe – Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary Belief in and/or worship of God or gods – World Book Dictionary
***Religion… Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe; a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship –
***Religion… [the seeking] of divine truth, exploring who we are, why we’re here, and how we should live - Joel Beversluis, ed., Sourcebook of the world’s Religions belief that there is an unseen order, and that our supreme good lies in harmoniously adjusting ourselves thereto – William James
1. Who wants to know? A. Everyone has an agenda and a limited perspective that will influence how they perceive religion. *** For the following… The common folk (you and me) Philosophers Sociologists Theologians Anthropologists Psychologists Historians Critics
2. Ways of Understanding Religion A. Substantive: i. What Religion is. - Characterizes some basic essence which is common to all religious systems, but not to any non-religious systems. *** “Belief in invisible superhuman power together with feelings and practices that flow from such a belief “
2. Ways of Understanding Religion B. Functionalist: i. What religion does. - Definitions focus on the way religion operates or functions in human life. *** A set of beliefs and practices which serve to subordinate us to something superior or holy in order to justify the events that control our lives”
C. Religion is… i. Both Substantive and Functional. *** “a system of belief and worship which usually incorporates a code of ethics. Religion fulfills the human need for a relationship with the creative, spiritual force of the universe.” - Pope John Paul II Cultural Center “Gallery of Faith”
Religion is… ***…the seeking of transcendent meaning that gives our lives value and puts us in touch with the deeper currents of existence... Religion helps people to cultivate an appreciation of the holiness of humanity and teaches us to respect the sacredness of life and the world. - Karen Armstrong, Battle for God, pp
3. Definitions can be… *** “a specific system of belief in God, doctrines, etc. God’s relation to humanity and the universe” (Western/Christian bias) B. Religion is a lot more than just belief. C. Many systems considered to be “religions” do not fit with this definition as they do not believe in or relate to a god or gods & use generic language. A. Biased, too narrow or limited.
3. Definitions can be… - - “a system of beliefs and practices directed to the ultimate concern of society” - Are economic or political systems “religions”? - What kind of “ultimate concern”? What kind of beliefs? What kind of practices? - Definitions that are too general (generic) may not be very useful D. Too broad or inclusive.
Religions Share Chart… Fold your paper into 8 Squares… Belief in a higher power (be it a person or principle) Surrender to the supreme power An ethic of reciprocity (the Golden Rule) Worship (prayer or other such practices) Belief in the human spirit (soul) Belief in other worlds (beyond life in this world, afterlife, reincarnation, etc.) Paths to god(s) that can effect a positive change in human lives - Pope John Paul II Cultural Center “Gallery of Faith”
Now… after going over what makes a good definition for religion… Look at your first definition and rate it 1-10 (1= and 10= ) Now write a new definiton for religion on the back of your index card that fixes the mistakes you missed on the first one.
*** The “Gray” Area The Nacirema? Secular Humanism? Confucianism? Communism? Is it or is it not a “religion”? How can we make a determination?