World War II in Europe
The War in Europe The Battle of the Atlantic US/British forces attempting to supply the Allies. German U-Boats trying to stop them. Allies ultimately defeat the U-Boats with new technology. (Sonar, long-range aircraft)
The War in Europe North Africa Allied forces unprepared to invade Europe in British are trying to prevent the Germans from taking Egypt & the Middle East. US forces land in North Africa to help defeat German forces led by the “Desert Fox” Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.
The War in Europe The “Soft Underbelly” of Europe In 1943, the Allies are still not prepared to invade France. Allied forces invade Sicily in that year. Later in 1943, Allied forces land in Italy. The fighting in Italy is some of the toughest of the war.
The War in Europe Operation Overlord By 1944, the Allies were prepared to invade France. June 6, 1944, (D-Day) Allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy. D-Day will be the largest amphibious operation in history. Over 100,000 men landed and 13,000 airborne troops were dropped behind the lines.
The War in Europe General Dwight Eisenhower: Commanded the American Forces in North Africa. In 1943, became the Allied Supreme Commander in Europe over all Allied forces. Top commander on D-Day. Accepted Germany’s surrender in 1945.
The War in Europe General Omar Bradley Combat commander in North Africa. Overall ground commander of US forces in Europe. Called the “G.I.’s General” because of his concern for his men.
The War in Europe General George Patton Combat commander in North Africa, Sicily, and after D-Day. Strong advocate of armored forces (tanks). Very aggressive general, who often got into trouble with his commanders.
The Top US Commander General George Marshall Top US Commander during WWII (1 st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) Responsible for organizing the US war effort. Managed all US military operations during WWII. Considered by many to be the “Architect of Victory”.
World War II in the Pacific
Americans in the Fight before Pearl Harbor China had been at war with Japan since In 1940, FDR authorizes the formation of an all volunteer unit to aid the Chinese. 99 American pilots are organized into the Flying Tigers. These American pilots are credited for destroying 297 Japanese aircraft, with the loss of only 14 Americans.
The War in the Pacific Pearl Harbor On Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese attack US forces in Hawaii. Attack brings the US into WWII. Almost all of the ships at Pear Harbor are damaged or sunk. US aircraft carriers escape destruction.
Japanese Attacks in 1941
US Forces in the Philippines are defeated
The War in the Pacific The Bataan Death March The Japanese attack Allied forces across the Pacific. Most of the US forces are captured in the Philippines. These POWs are force marched and tortured in the “Death March”.
The War in the Pacific The Battle of Midway Naval battle only involving aircraft. US Navy surprised the Japanese after breaking their codes. US victory will be the turning point of the war in the Pacific. Japanese navy will never recover.
The War in the Pacific Island Hopping Strategy Plan to by-pass heavily fortified Japanese held islands. Only attack strategically necessary islands. Spread the Japanese forces thin.
American Strategy in the Pacific
The War in the Pacific The Navajo Code Talkers Plan to use the ancient Navajo language in combat communications. Why? To prevent the Japanese from learning US plans & strategy.
The Battle for Iwo Jima
The Battle for Okinawa
End Game – Hiroshima & Nagasaki On August 6, 1945, the US drops the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, killing 70,000 Japanese civilians instantly. On August 9, 1945, a second weapon was used against Nagasaki. Over 20,000 were killed. On September 2, 1945, Japan surrenders ending World War II.
US Commanders in the Pacific General Douglas MacArthur Evacuated from the Philippines in 1942 vowing “I will return.” Supreme Allied Commander for all land forces in the Pacific. In 1944, commands forces that invade the Philippines. Accepts the Japanese surrender in 1945.
US Commanders in the Pacific Admiral Chester Nimitz Born in Fredericksburg, Texas. Commander of all US Naval Forces in the Pacific during WWII. Developed the “Island Hopping” strategy.