Grammar Rule for the Week: Use a hyphen to separate compound numbers from twenty-one to ninety-nine, fractions, and to show a span of numbers. Spell out ordinals.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Gossamer (adj): something light, delicate, or tenuous Sentence Correction: The gossamer flowers were only 1/5 of the budget for the wedding allowing the planner to put extra funds else where.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Gregarious (adj): fond of company; social Sentence Correction: Ronald Mrs. Smiths little boy was surprisingly gregarious for three fourths of the morning nevertheless all the playing eventually made him tired.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Halcyon (adj): calm or peaceful; happy Sentence Correction: Lauren Conrad star of MTVs The Hills just published her 3 rd book Halcyon Days her own personal guide to summering in the hamptons.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Holocaust (n): widespread destruction; especially by fire Sentence Correction: The holocaust in California caused many people to donate money therefore, ninety nine million dollars was raised.
Journal Entry 1: What single stories do you have to face in your life? Be truthful.
Grammar Rule for the Week: Use a colon when you write the time in numerals, before a list of items, and after the salutation of a business letter.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Indolent (adj): lazy, unmotivated Sentence Correction: Despite the efforts of the substitute the following students were identified for there indolent behavior johnny sally susie and tom.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Intrepid (adj): fearless; bold Sentence Correction: Mark the young student new to the school was intrepid when he walked out of class at 1159, one minute before class ended.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Inclement (adj): stormy; harsh Sentence Correction: Dear Julie The inclement weather prevented me from reaching you. Sincerely Tom
Vocabulary Word for Today: Irascible (adj): easily angered; hot- tempered Sentence Correction: At 340, the irascible student calmed down and left the class quietly.
Journal Warm Up 1/30: Reflect on our first week and a half of class. Were there activities/texts that you liked the most? How about the least? Also... Predict who you think will win the Super Bowl and why? Predict what product type/company will have the best commercial.
Grammar Rule for the Week: Use a semicolon to separate main clauses not joined by a conjunction and to separate main clauses that are joined by a conjunctive adverb (however, furthermore, moreover, nevertheless, therefore).
Vocabulary Word for Today: Kowtow (v): to be overly polite and flattering; to fawn Sentence Correction: The duplicitous intern thought it better to kowtow then to ignore his boss however he was interpreted as being disingenuous. `
Vocabulary Word for Today: Languid (adj): drooping; sluggish Sentence Correction: Our Blue Hydrangea are looking very languid today a large amount of water was needed to correct there wilting.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Loquacious (adj): given to excessive talking Sentence Correction: Jurors should never be loquacious while serving therefore the courtroom should always be quiet enough to here a pen drop. `
Vocabulary Word for Today: Lugubrious (adj): exaggeratedly mournful (sad) Sentence Correction: The earthquake in haiti caused many people to be lugubrious nevertheless many people also choose to help the victims. `
Journal Warm Up 2/6: In Ch. 4 Siddhartha finds happiness in the trees, sky, mountains, and answering to no voice but his own. In Ch. 5 Siddhartha finds happiness in meeting Kamala, working towards getting money, clothes, and shoes. List the things that provide you small moments of happiness- materialistic or otherwise.
Journal Warm Up 2/6: What is "the American Dream," and does it exist, or is it a fantasy? If you feel it exists, what are some examples? If you feel it doesn’t… did it ever? Why?
Grammar Rule for the Week: Underline or italicize titles of books, magazines, newspapers, plays, movies, television series, paintings, sculptures, long musical compositions, works of art, spacecraft, and ships.
Vocabulary Word for Today: nadir (n): the lowest point Sentence Correction: The nadir of Romeo and Juliet is when both the protagonists die leaving their parents behind to mourn them. `
Vocabulary Word for Today: Obdurate (adj): hard; unmoved by persuasion Sentence Correction: Leroy Jethro Gibbs in the television series NCIS has a very obdurate personality. `
Vocabulary Word for Today: Obsequious (adj): fawning; servile Sentence Correction: In the movie Hercules, Hades has some very obsequious sidekicks. `
Vocabulary Word for Today: Pariah (n): an outcast Sentence Correction: Odysseus was considered a pariah in the epic poem The Odyssey.
2/13 Journal Entry: What do you own that will be obsolete in twenty years? What will replace it?
Grammar Rule for the Week: Use the correct forms of their (poss.), there (a place), and they’re (they are); your (poss.) and you’re (you are); its (poss.) and it’s (it is).
Vocabulary Word for Today: Pilfer (v): to steal insignificant items Sentence Correction: Its important to protect your possessions from the pilfering that goes on at this school, nevertheless, people leave there things unattended.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Pogrom (n): an organized persecution or massacre Sentence Correction: Their were a large number of people killed in pogroms in they’re own towns during the Holocaust.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Polyglot (n): a person who knows and is able to use several languages Sentence Correction: They’re are many polyglots in Europe; your certain to encounter them if you travel their.
Vocabulary Word for Today: Potable (adj): fit to drink Sentence Correction: The school announced that it’s water was not potable.
Journal Entry: If you were granted two supernatural powers for one week only, what powers would you choose, and why? What would you do with your powers?