Addition Andrewnita Thompson
Content Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to help students understand and learn the concepts of addition. Learning Objective: Given an equation, students will be able to determine the missing whole number with 100% accuracy. Content Standard:CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.D.8 Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers Accomplishment: Develop an understanding of addition, and all of the parts in an equation.
Defining Addition Addition is finding the sum, or total, by combining two or more numbers. 3 + 4 = 7 addend addend sum
Identifying Addition
Set Model 3 + 2 = 5
What is the missing number? 7 + = 11 3 2 4
Wow!! Great Job You are correct 7 + 4 = 11
AWESOME Great Job you did it!
Never Give Up!!
Lets Try Again What is the missing number? + 5 = 15 A. 6 B. 9 C. 10
Practice Makes Perfect What is the missing number? 7 + 6 = A.13 B.14 C.12
Give It One More Shot + =
Conclusion Today you have learned to identify the missing number. You have also learned to add one and two digit numbers using set models