WHAT PART OF THE BRAIN DOES THIS AFFECT? Affects the development of the left, temporal lobe in the brain that controls language.
Let’s see how it feels to be dyslexic… reading-with- dyslexia/#ooid=JjNWdxdTqOegZW6R6uVRK1MmMMFW61gZ
What is the percentage that people will experience this? -About 70-85% children suffer from this -1 and 5 people suffer from dyslexia Dyslexia ranges from mild to severe. Around 40% of people with dyslexia also have ADHD. And those with dyslexia use about 5 times more energy to complete mental tasks. Dyslexia ranges from mild to severe. Around 40% of people with dyslexia also have ADHD. And those with dyslexia use about 5 times more energy to complete mental tasks. Children have a 50% chance of having dyslexia if one parent has it. And a 100% chance if both parents have it.
UNDOING DYSLEXIA VIA VIDEO GAMES - The video training program, called Fast ForWord, provides intensive, highly individualized cross-training across a large number of attention, processing, cognitive, linguistic and reading skills, all of which are vital for academic success. For example, in one of the games, a child earns points by distinguishing the sounds "ba" from "pa." When a child masters the task, the game adjusts its playing level so the child is challenged on a more advanced level the next day, all while being monitored via the Internet by a professional. Other games are designed to improve the speed of brain processing and also train children in the rules of English grammar. The result: Treatment effects that formerly required years of intervention are reduced to a few weeks. Not only does educational games help, but action games also give them the power to focus way better.
Works Cited: action/dyslexia.aspx