Kaitlyn Hendrickson Period 3
Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross Washington, D.C. on May 21, 1881 She heard of the International Red Cross Movement ◦ Visited Europe after Civil War Campaigned for an American Red Cross society Wanted ratification of the Geneva Convention ◦ Protected the war-injured
Began teaching when most teachers were men Risk her life to help soldiers in the Civil War She headed the Red Cross for 23 years Conducted first disaster relief efforts Aided U.S. military during Spanish- American War Campaigned for peacetime relief work
Provided first aid and public nursing programs Membership grew from 17,000 to 20 million Public contributed $400 million Staffed hospitals and ambulance companies Recruited 20,000 nurses to serve military Nurses also helped with influenza epidemic
Focused on service to veterans Enhanced programs in safety training Helped educate about accident prevention Helped with home care for sick Provided relief when natural disasters struck ◦ Mississippi River floods ◦ Severe droughts
Provide services to U.S. military and Allies Enrolled 104,000 nurses for military service Prepared 27 million packages for POWs Shipped 300,000 tons of supplies overseas Initiated a national blood program ◦ Collected 13.3 billion pints of blood
Introduced first nationwide civilian blood program ◦ Now supplies 50 percent of blood in the U.S. Expanded role in biomedical research Became involved with human tissue distribution Continued service in Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf wars Expanded services ◦ Civil defense ◦ CPR/AED training ◦ HIV/AIDS education ◦ Emotional support to disaster victims
Camp - provided comfort items Canteen - provided food and snacks at ports Home - provided aid to families of those in military Hospital - recruited medical staff for military ◦ Also provided medical and psychiatric help to veterans Hospital and Recreation Corps - provided personal services ◦ Writing letters, reading, tutoring, shopping Motor - provided transportation to hospitals ◦ During Spanish influenza outbreak of 1918
Prison-like camps for blacks after Mississippi Floods ◦ Routinely beaten ◦ Any food left from whites was all they got Opposed national testing of blood for HIV ◦ Based on financial cost ◦ Resulted in the spread HIV during its outbreak Raised $50 million for San Francisco earthquake ◦ Only $10 million gave out to victims
Raised $543 million Promised all funds would go to victims and families Only 35 percent went to victims Money went to other Red Cross organizations President of organization at that time was Healy ◦ Forced to resign after controversy
Proud history of commitment to youth Goal is to develop new youth programs Involve young people in serving the community First known youth activity ◦ Put on a play to raise money ◦ Helped go to victims of flooding