The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for the Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) 4 th coordination meeting EA SEA WAY.


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Presentation transcript:

The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for the Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) 4 th coordination meeting EA SEA WAY WP6 Pilot actions: Improvement of Adriatic port system, its integration with hinterland and strengthening of intra-Adriatic connections Shkodër, 3-4 March 2015

The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for the Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) PARTNERS WHO PROVIDED UPDATED INFORMATION LB - Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia√ FB1 - INFORMESTn.a. FB2 - Province of Ravenna√ FB3 - ERFC - European Regional Framework for Coop. n.a. FB4 - Dubrovnik Neretva RegionX FB5 - Region of Istria√ FB6 - Levante PAX FB7 - Ancona PA√ FB8 - Sistemi Territoriali SPA√ FB9 - Molise Region√ FB10 - Region AbruzzoX FB11 - University of Ljubljanan.a. FB12 - University of Belgraden.a. FB13 - Port of Bar√ FB14 - TEULEDAn.a. FB15 – Albanian Ministry of Public Works and Transport X FB16 - University of Sarajevon.a. FB17 - Split PAX FB18 - County of Primorje and Gorski Kotar X FB19 - Igoumenitsa PAX

The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for the Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) Spending forecast cumulated up to 31/01/2015 Total budget WP6: ,62 (62,13% of total project budget) Spending forecastWP6Total (all WP)% period /01/20140, ,00 period / /04/ , ,009% period / /06/ , ,0055% period / /10/ , ,5164% period /11/ /01/ , ,0054% TOTAL , ,5153%

The IPA Adriatic CBC Programme is co-funded by European Union, Instrument for the Pre- Accession Assistance (IPA) Reported ammounts Spending forecast (cumulated) Reported on 31/01/2015% , ,4728

Expenditure detail BsBUDGET WP6 REPORTED BY 31/01/2015 EXP. RATEGAP LB , ,8850% ,12 FB , ,9244%6.251,65 FB , ,727% ,28 FB , ,009% ,00 FB , ,141% ,86 FB ,00308,740% ,26 FB , ,197% ,71 FB , ,531% ,47 FB , ,757% ,25 FB ,640,000%79.633,64 FB , ,601% ,40 FB110,00 n.a FB120,00 n.a FB ,00750,000% ,00 FB1400n.a0,00 FB , ,001% ,00 FB1600n.a0,00 FB ,000,000% ,00 FB ,000,000% ,00 FB ,510,000% ,51 TOT , , ,15

Actions. ACTIVITYFB involvedoutputs 6.1 Realization of physical infrastructures, modernisation and strengthening of ports for passengers FB2, FB4, FB5, FB6, FB7, FB8, FB13, FB17, FB18 1)Drafting of feasibility studies (FS);definition of a MasterPlan as a preliminary phase of the further infrastructure realisations; 2) concrete intervention of realisation/modernisati on of port physical infrastructures in passenger terminal and on terminal quays in order to improve the accessibility and the safety for port

Actions. ACTIVITYFB involved outputs 6.2 Establishment of short sea ferry/fast ferry/hydrofoil LB, FB6 1)ferry/fast-ferry lines from Trieste to Slovenia/Region of Istria (hydrofoil), from Monopoli to Ploce and from Barletta to Durres (fast ferry) 2) Start-up of a pilot maritime international passenger transport service connecting Trieste to selected Slovenian/Region of Istria ports

Actions. ACTIVITYFB involvedoutputs 6.3 Integration of Adriatic ports with hinterland and improved services for passengers FB8 FB3,FB6, FB7, FB10, FB9,FB15, FB17, FB19 1)A Feasibility Study is realized to stimulate multimodal person travels 2) Involved regions test new ICT solutions for infomobility&integrated ticketing,real time check in and tracking for passengers and their vehiclesà à a shared IT platform to allow a more efficient and easier mobility among Adriatic area

Date of delivery DescriptionBeneficiary/ies Target value 28/02/2016Feasibility studies/investment documentation/master plan for further larger investment LB,FB2,4,6,8,13,17,1 8, all 13 28/02/2016Innovative ICT system&infrastructureFB3,19,15,18,8,6, all1 28/02/2016Pilot activities to modernization existing or new infrastructures FB2,4,5,6,7,8,13,17, 18, all 9 28/02/2016Pilot activities to activate new maritime fast-linesLB,FB6, all2 28/02/2016Pilot activities to improve the integration of the port system adopting light physical infrastructures FB3,6,7,8,9,10,15,17,19, all 7 28/02/2016Position papers with lessons learnt and aspects that are transferred to partnership/CBBoard/agreements All3 Outputs.

Position papers WORKPLAN janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdecjanfeb Realization of physical infrastructures, modernisation and strengthening of ports for passengers draft positi on paper final version of position paper to be shared within the CBB 6.2 Establishment of short sea ferry/fast ferry/hydrofoil draft positi on paper final version of position paper to be shared within the CBB 6.3 Integration of Adriatic ports with hinterland and improved services for passengers draft positi on paper final version of position paper to be shared within the CBB

. Position papers WORKPLAN Description of pilot actions form Sustainability of pilot action form (wp3) + BASE FOR THE DEFINITION OF THE POSITION PAPERS DRAFTS

Ms Simona Melchiorri EU Policies Dept.