The Success of Iowa’s Philanthropy Initiatives The Incentives and The Education and Information Sandy Ehrig
The Incentives … Endow Iowa Tax Credits Endow Iowa Grants County Endowment Fund
Tax Credits in 2005 Awarded $2 million in Endow Iowa tax credits Leveraged $10 million in charitable giving from 449 separate donations Benefited more than 23 different community foundations or affiliates
A Closer Look at the 449 Donations 213 Donations $ 1000 or less 181 donations $ $30, donations $ 30,001 - $100, donations $100, Donations from individuals 42 Donations from business
Endow Iowa Grants Awarded $150,000 as matching grants Iowa Council of Foundations – the lead philanthropic entity Developed application and review process 18 applicants
Recipients of 2005 Grant Awards SIX awards/ $25,000 each Leveraged $622,900 in donations
The Financial Impact of County Endowment Fund 2005 $5,573,000 in this fund $167,000 (3%) to Iowa Council of Foundations $5.4 million distributed to 85 qualified Community Foundations and/or Community Affiliate Organizations
The Financial Impact of County Endowment Fund 2005 Amounted to $63,601 for each organization 75% ($47,701) to assist current county- wide charitable needs/and or organizations 25% ($15,900) into permanent endowment fund
Beyond the financial impacts of County Endowment Fund Creation of nearly 75 new Community Foundations/ affiliate organizations 1000 or more local community leaders involved with philanthropy Capturing the “Transfer of Wealth” through promotion of local vehicles for giving Benefits of funded projects
Education and Information Workgroup with IDED Community Foundation Fundamentals Course for volunteers and staff Web site project with ICOF; CVC and ISU Extension