Land Africa is the second largest continent. There are deserts, rainforests, and grasslands in Africa. The Sahara Desert is located in the north part of Africa. It is the world’s biggest desert.
Weather It is usually hot and dry or hot and wet. The rainforests near the equator have rain all the time. The desert and grasslands do not get much rain.
Animals Rainforest: Elephants, leopards, parrots, gorillas and chimpanzees Grasslands: Zebras, antelopes and giraffes Desert: Fennec foxes, mongooses, camels and snakes
Homes Some Africans live in busy cities. They have cars, cell phones, and computers. They work in offices and buy their food at grocery stores. Other Africans live in small villages. They hunt, fish or grow their own food. They walk or ride a bike to get to places.