Financial Projections as part of Business Plan by Ketoki Basu,
Outcome The fund requirement for the project Timing of fund requirement The means of funding Project cost Direct costs Indirect or fixed costs Capital expenditure 2
Deliverables Profit and Loss Account- Projected Balance Sheet- Projected Cash Flow Statement- Projected 3
Product/ Service Identify costs associated with product/service Are there likely to be some development costs? The production cycle time Stock of raw materials to be maintained 4
Sales You know your customer/(s) When does sales start? Project sales quantity Quantity to increase over a period of time Determine unit selling price Unit price can be increased from Year 2 or Year 3 5
Manpower Head count and total cost to company Escalation of salary costs Direct Production/Technical team Indirect Director CEO CTO Marketing Finance Human Resources 6
Capital Expenditure What is capital expenditure? Create a plan for the projected period Quantity of each capital item Estimate cost of each item When do they need to be bought 7
Revenue Expenditure Direct costs of production/service Have costs typical to the type of business been captured? Should be variable/semi-variable costs Indirect costs Establishment/ (s) Selling and distribution Administration including depreciation Escalate all costs 8
Receivables & Payables Credit period to be offered to customers Likely credit terms from suppliers Expenses that are paid late Rent- payable in advance or in arrears Salary- end of the month or beginning of the next 9
Other Costs Debt funding Interest payments- P&L and cash flow Principal repayment- cash flow and B/S Stocks or Inventory Deposit for factory/office space Income Tax – years of profit 10
Ratio Sales growth Direct expenses to sales Indirect expenses to sales Gross Margin to sales Operating Margin (EBITDA) to sales Profit after tax (PAT) to sales Return on equity Return on capital employed 11
Summary Project production & sale of product/service Identify revenue and capital expenses Determine time of capital purchases Project revenue & expenses Determine fund shortage 12