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90 Angles at a Point This diagram helps explains why angles at a point add to 360 o. 90 Vertical Horizontal Remember: Angles at a on a line add to 180 o
Angles at a Point 90 Vertical Horizontal 360 o This explains why angles at a point add to 360 o.
Angles at a Point a b c d Angles at a point add to 360 o Angle a + b + c + d = 360 0
75 o 85 o 80 o a Example 1: Find angle a. Angles at a Point o Angle a = ( ) = = 120 o
Angle x = ( ) = = 65 o o 100 o x Example 2: Find angle x. Angles at a Point o
360 o in a circle. What does it mean? o 180 o 270 o 360 o