OVERVIEW Course summary Course schedule Assessment Ground rules
COURSE SUMMARY Referencing Internet research Essay writing Creating presentations Presentation skills
COURSE SCHEDULE Week 1 – Research and Referencing Week 2 – Evaluating Sources Week 3 – Outlining and Paragraphs Week 4 – Demonstrative Essays Week 5 – Presentation Skills
COURSE SCHEDULE (contd..) Week 6 – Analytical Essays Week 7 – Analytical Presentations Week 8 – Persuasive Essays Week 9 – Persuasive Presentations Week 10 – Argumentative Essays Week 11 - Debates
ASSESSMENT Assessment TypeDescriptionWeightingDue Dates Tutorial participationQuality of contribution10%Daily Critical Analysis TestQuiz on Logical Fallacies & Referencing15%Week 4 Demonstrative Essay / Presentation A Demonstrative Essay of at least 1200 words and a Demonstrative Presentation of 5-6 minutes. 10% (5% each)Week 6 Analytical Essay / Presentation An Analytical Essay of at least 1500 words and an Analytical Presentation of 7-8 minutes. 15% (7.5% each)Week 8 Persuasive Essay/Presentation An Analytical Essay of at least 2000 words and a Persuasive Presentation of 7-10 minutes. 20% (10% each)Week 10 Argumentative Essay / Debate An Argumentative Essay of at least 2500 words. 30% (15% each)Week 12
GROUND RULES 80% Attendance is mandatory 50% on every assignment in order to Pass 5% per day for late assignments After 3 days of delay, no assignments will be accepted All work is checked for plagiarism Proper behaviour is expected