Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis JOB SATISFACTION Prof. Dr. Rana ÖZEN KUTANİS
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis JOB SATISFACTION Individuals’ general behavior and attitudes towards his/her job.Includes employees’ inner peace and ease. If employees’ expectancies are in compliance with outcomes then we can talk about high degree of job satisfaction. A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job An affective reaction to one’s job A concept that includes various social dimensions related to employees’ job and workplace, also a positive emotion as a result of his/her job and job experiences. Agreement between judgments of people and their deeds. One’s degree of positive feelings about his/her job.
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Consequences Organizational Factors -Wage -Career oportunities -Feature of Job -Policies -Working conditions Group Factors - Co- Workers -Counselor/Supervisor attitudes Individual Factors -Needs -Demands -Individual benefits Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Low level of turnover Low level of absenteeism High level of turnover High level of absenteeism
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis External Job Satisfaction: Satisfaction obtained in return of working(wage, employment security) Internal Job Satisfaction: Satisfaction felt during working(achieving goal of quality, compliance to new techniques)
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Responses to Job Dissatisfaction Active Passive VOICE LOYALTY EXIT NEGLECT DestructiveConstructive
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Exit: response directs behavior towards leaving the organization, including looking for a new position as well as resigning. Voice: Includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors and undertaking some forms of union activity. Loyalty: passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve. Neglect: passively allows conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced efort and increased error rate.
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Measurement of Job Satisfaction: (Feedback and control tool for managers.) Interview: Personal conservations. Not standardized. Manager and employee talks profoundly. Critical Incident(1959 Herzberg): Use of critical incidents in organization. Attitude Inventories: MSQ
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Importance of Job Satisfaction: Dissatisfied employee loafts from work, has health problems (headache, migraine, hearth and stomach disorders), takes day-offs and damage the organization. Dissatisfied employee goes to the doctor, health care costs rise.He/she has problems in the workplace and social life. Reflects his/her unhappiness around. Satisfied employee is healty and lives long, comes to work on time and has low absenteeism. Satisfied employee reflects his/her happiness around and also is positive and dynamic. Satisfied workforce brings high dynamism and a healty and positive life to workplace.
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Consequences of Job Satisfaction Increased success Increased confidince Low turnover Reinforced friendship Reduce in strikes
Prof. Dr. Rana Özen Kutanis Thank You...