doc.: IEEE c SubmissionSlide 1 Qualcomm 2/29/2016 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Resolution to comment #] Date Submitted: [May ] Source: [Vered Bar] Company: [Qualcomm] Address: [ QUALCOMM, Incorporated, 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121] Voice: [], FAX: [], Re: [] Abstract: [Comment resolutions.] Purpose: [To be considered in IEEE c standard] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE c Submission Comment Regarding Training over Beam Forming CTA 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 2 Com ment # Subcla use CommentProposed Change 12213There should be a distinction between a DEV beamforming capability and what degree of beamforming it wants to do before communicationg with another DEV. For example DEV1 might want to perfrom a level 1 only beamforming with DEV2 before communication although DEV1 is capable of 2 levels. Or DEV1 might be omni capable and does not want to do any beamforming. after 1st level When DEV1 requests a CTA from the PN to perform beamforming with DEV2 it should tell the PNC the number of levels it wants to perform during this CTA. Setting the Beam Tracking field before starting to send the training sequence, is only defined in (p 173 l 19), and is not mentioned at all for beam training. The commenter is suggesting to define a procedure for negotiating training format w/ PNC. It is best to define a single procedure for tracking and training. Sending preamble without phy and mac header is unique to the beam training CTA!!
doc.: IEEE c Submission Comment Regarding SAS Training 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 3 Com ment # Subcla use CommentProposed Change in SAS there is no need for feedback for training, but such procedure is not defined define procedure for SAS training w/o feedback, where each DEV trains its peers by sending repetitions of training sequence in each direction. Setting the Beam Tracking field before starting to send the training sequence, is only defined in (p 173 l 19), and is not mentioned at all for beam training. It is best to define a single procedure for tracking and training. Comment about unique procedure for SAS training is redrawn.
doc.: IEEE c Submission Is there really a need for beam forming CTA? Implementation should be able to go from fine to course and backward Beam forming should be used for both training and tracking Beam forming should be initiated in a regular CTA or CAP, at any time Clarify beam training rules in 13.1: 1.If the DEV (say DEV-1) requires to perform beamforming with the other DEV (say DEV-2), DEV-1 shall transmit a empty command frame before transmitting training sequences 2.DEV-1 shall set the Beam Tracking or Beam Training field in PHY header of the command frame to ‘1’ 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 4 Cancel beam forming stream value from and Add clarification to 13.1
doc.: IEEE c Submission Empty Command Frame Format 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 5 Stream index is set to CTA isochronous streams value (no need f or beam forming stream)
doc.: IEEE c Submission For an empty CMS frame all field of the Phy header are fixed, except for beam tracking, which shall be set to ‘1’ if training sequences for beam tracking are present following the current frame, it shall be set to zero otherwise. Add beam training bit (use low latency mode bit), which shall be set to ‘1’ if training sequences for beam training are present following the current frame, it shall be set to zero otherwise. The Frame Length field shall be an unsigned integer that indicates the number of octets in the MAC frame body, excluding the FCS and shall be set to zero for empty CMS frame. The Aggregation bit shall be set to zero. The UEP bit shall be set to zero. The MCS field shall be set to 0b The Preamble Type field shall be set to 0b00. The Pilot Word Length field shall be set to zero. The PCES field shall be set to zero. 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 6 Empty CMS Phy Header Format
doc.: IEEE c Submission 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 7 HSI / SC Directional transmission w/ training *Assume MIFS between training sequence *Assume MIFS between Announce command in different directions during the AAS DEV2 to DEV1 feedback
doc.: IEEE c Submission 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 8 Directional transmission w/o training Assuming that the best transmit pattern is known as a result of the beamforming, DEV (say DEV-1) shall use the best transmit pattern (sector or beam) toward the other DEV (say DEV-2)
doc.: IEEE c Submission BACKUP 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 9
doc.: IEEE c Submission Summary of the Q-Omni Association, Capability Exchange and Training Procedure 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 10 Procedure Section 1Beacon is composed from Q-omni beacon section (I(1,t) packets), PNC Q-omni tracking section (I(1,t) QTs), Sector training section (J(1,t) STs). The QT sequence shall be identical to the CMS preamble Device associate w/ PNC13.5 3DEV capability IE is included in association repeated beacon announcements (mMinBeaconInfoRepeat =4 consecutive times) All other DEVs that are members of the piconet receiving the beacon containing the DEV Association IE may use the DEV Association IE to update their internal list of associated DEVs in the piconet p Channel time allocation is handled by exchanging command frames between originating DEV and PNC In the case where the DEV is requesting an allocation for beam forming, the stream index shall be set to beam forming stream value / DEV train each other in allocated Beam Forming CTA13.1 8A new Channel time allocation is handled by exchanging command frames between originating DEV and PNC for data transfer 8.5.1
doc.: IEEE c Submission Summary of the Q-Omni Association, Capability Exchange and Improved Training Procedure 2/29/2016 Qualcomm Slide 11 Procedure Section 1Beacon is composed from Q-omni beacon section (I(1,t) packets), PNC Q-omni tracking section (I(1,t) QTs), Sector training section (J(1,t) STs). The QT sequence shall be identical to the CMS preamble Device associate w/ PNC13.5 3DEV capability IE is included in association repeated beacon announcements (mMinBeaconInfoRepeat =4 consecutive times) All other DEVs that are members of the piconet receiving the beacon containing the DEV Association IE may use the DEV Association IE to update their internal list of associated DEVs in the piconet p Channel time allocation is handled by exchanging command frames between originating DEV and PNC DEV optionally train each other in allocated CTA before sending directional data frame in any supported MCS 13.1