Baltimore Polytechnic Institute November 11, 2014 A/A.P. U.S. History Mr. Green
Objective: The students will be able to compare and contrast the 3 major sections of the United States by analyzing the priorities of the Northern, Southern, and Western sections of antebellum America. AP Focus Andrew Jackson handily wins the popular vote in the 1824 election but fails to win the necessary electoral votes. The U.S. House of Representatives selects his opponent, John Quincy Adams. But in 1828, Jackson easily defeats Adams, ushering in what many see as a period of democratic growth. Claiming he is attacking entrenched political forces, Jackson rewards his political supporters with patronage positions in government.
CHAPTER THEME The election to the presidency of the frontier aristocrat and common person’s hero, Andrew Jackson, signaled the end of the older elitist political leadership represented by John Quincy Adams. A new spirit of mass democracy and popular involvement swept through American society, bringing new energy, as well as conflict and corruption to public life.
Presidential Election Chart 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832 due on Friday
Bank of the U.S. up for re-charter in 1836 Henry Clay thought this would be a good political tool in the 1832 Presidential election If Jackson signed it, he would alienate his supporters of the West who hated the bank If Jackson vetoed the bill, he would alienate the wealthy and influential groups of the East Jackson vetoed the bank bill in the face of McCulloch v. Maryland
3 rd party entered the field: Anti-Masonic party b/c of disappearance of a New Yorker threatening to reveal the secret rituals Jackson a Mason Formal nominating conventions/platforms National Republicans and Henry Clay well funded Jackson won handily Popular vote: 687,502 to 530,189 Electoral vote:
Jackson believed he had a mandate to crush the bank before it expired in 1836 Jackson removed federal deposits from the bank in 1833 Explain the impact of removing federal deposits Biddle called in loans to shore up bank sheets/reserves produced a minor financial crisis deposited surplus funds in pet banks created wildcat banks-speculated in land with printed notes notes became worthless and Jackson authorized Specie Circular public land purchased with metallic money contributed to the Panic of 1837
Identify the major concerns of the North, South, and West in antebellum America
In your row, students will identify the priorities of the Northern, Southern, and Western sections of the United States during the antebellum period.
Compare and contrast the different regions of the United States during the antebellum period
Continue reading Chapter 13 to the end Presidential Election Chart 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832 due on Friday Quiz?????????????????????