Hawk Time Good Things! School Wide Norms – Hallway – Cafeteria – ROC – Classroom – Emergency – Stairs
3 rd Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters Goal Setting 101 S--Specific M--Meaningful A--Action Oriented R--Realistic T--Timely Create two SMART goals (one academic/one personal). Be sure it has the parts of good goal. 7. Action/Vision Frame and Goals Due Thursday! (End of Class!) 8. LAUNCH
4 th Hour—8 th Grade Science Class 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters Goal Setting 101 S--Specific M--Meaningful A--Action Oriented R--Realistic T--Timely Create two SMART goals (one academic/one personal). Be sure it has the parts of good goal. 7. Action/Vision Frame and Goals Due Thursday! (End of Class!) 8. LAUNCH
5 th Hour—7 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters Goal Setting 101 S--Specific M--Meaningful A--Action Oriented R--Realistic T--Timely Create two SMART goals (one academic/one personal). Be sure it has the parts of good goal. 7. Action/Vision Frame and Goals Due Thursday! (End of Class!) 8. LAUNCH
6 th Hour—Science Olympiad Seating Chart Popsicle Sticks Behavior Expectations -In your seat at the bell. -Cooperative -Will to work with all people -Responsible -Respectful of people and equipment -Clean up after yourself
7 th Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters Goal Setting 101 S--Specific M--Meaningful A--Action Oriented R--Realistic T--Timely Create two SMART goals (one academic/one personal). Be sure it has the parts of good goal. 7. Action/Vision Frame and Goals Due Thursday! (End of Class!) 8. LAUNCH
8 th Hour—8 th Grade Science 1. Good Things 2. Social Contract Raters Goal Setting 101 S--Specific M--Meaningful A--Action Oriented R--Realistic T--Timely Create two SMART goals (one academic/one personal). Be sure it has the parts of good goal. 7. Action/Vision Frame and Goals Due Thursday! (End of Class!) 8. LAUNCH Remember 2:05 pm – Announcements (QUIET!!) – Clean Up – Planner Check