The Rise of Islam Chapter 9 Section 1
Key Terms Bedouins Muhammad Hegira Islam Muslim Qur’an Five Pillars of Faith Mosque Jihad
Deserts, Towns, and Trade Routes Arabian Peninsula crossroads to three continents Few oases for agriculture Surrounded by desert Herders and nomads
The Setting Bedouins- Arab nomads organized into tribes Ideals of Courage Loyalty to family Warrior skills Became Islamic way of life 600’s market towns
Crossroads or Trade and Ideas Western coast had larger trading towns Local to long distance Connected major oceans and trade routes Transported goods as well as information
Mecca Caravans stopped during holy months Brought religious pilgrims Ka’ab shrine of Abraham 360 idols from different tribes Allah-one God know in Arabian Pensiula
Muhammad the Messenger Powerful Meccan Family Received little schooling Age 25 became a trader Married Khadijah his business partner Met followers of Judaism and Christianity on business
The Revelations Great interest in religion Age 40 voice called to him Meditated in cave outside Mecca Voice of Gabriel Told Muhammad he was the messenger of God
Revelations Muhammad thought he was the last of the prophets Taught Allah was the only God Muslims agreed with the principles of Islam Islam- means submission to the will of Allah
Sharing the Revelations 613 Muhammad preached publicly in Mecca Followers attacked Left Mecca 622 Moved to Yathrib Heigra- the 200 mile trip Yathrib renamed Medina
Sharing the Revelations Muhammad displayed leadership skills Joined Arabs and Jews into a single community Became a military leader Hostilities with Mecca Islam is the faith Muslims are the followers
Returning to Mecca 630 Muhammad and 10,000 followers marched on Mecca Destroyed idols of Ka’aba Meccans pledged loyalty Muhammad dies two years later
Basic Ideas of Islam Only one God- Allah Five Pillars of Faith 1 to become a Muslim There is no God but, A, and Muhammad is the Messenger for Allah 2 Pray five times a day 3 Alms- give to the poor 4 Fasting during Ramadan 5 Pilgrimage if physically and financially perform Haij to Mecca
Guidance and Behavior Five pillars ensure Muslims live religion while serving the community Forbidden to eat pork Drink intoxicating beverages Friday afternoons for communal worship
A Way of Life Has no priests or religious authority Muslims worship Allah directly Ulama- Muslim scholars Religious teachers who apply to the word of Allah to everyday life
Sources of Authority Qur’an-the holy book of Muslims Written after Muhammad’s death Written in Arabic Used in worship True word Became language of worshippers and scholars
Source of Authority Arabic language helped unite conquered people Sunna- Muhammad’s example the best model of proper living Shari’a- system of laws that regulate family life, moral conduct, business and community life
People of the Book All have Allah as the one God Muslims see Jesus as a prophet not son of God Qur’an the word of God to Muhammad Torah to Moses Gospels to the Christians
People of the Book Muhammad was the final prophet All have, heaven, hell, and final judgment Ancestry to Abraham Christians and Jews are people of the book Qur’an requires religious tolerance of Christians and Jews