State Of Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission District Strategic Plan Strategic Areas, Goals, and Objectives October 23-24, 2014 Pocatello, Idaho
Strengthen Family Engagement Training District 6 will educate stakeholders in family group decision-making through sponsoring trainings in use of the Kemp Center Model of FGDM District 6 shall provide stakeholders and interested community members with training in recognizing and addressing trauma Each District will gather information regarding successful and unsuccessful reintegration efforts, including treatment successes and those that incorporate positive youth outcomes, to send to key stakeholders (from statewide reintegration plan) District 6 will research and develop a list of evidence-based resources that may assist in enhancing family skills District 6 stakeholders will be educated in evidence-based family engagement principles Probation should utilize an evidence-based and family strength-based assessment tool District 6 shall educate stakeholders (such as school system, medical providers, people in the trenches who have direct contact with youth, etc…) in identifying high-risk youth District 6 shall provide stakeholders with training on substance use and co- occurring disorders
Strategic Goal Areas Strengthen Family Engagement Training
Strategic Area: Strengthen Family Engagement Goal: Families in district 6 are provided the necessary services to strengthen family engagement and skills to access evidence based community resources Objective A: District 6 will educate stakeholders in family group decision-making through sponsoring trainings in use of the Kemp Center Model of FGDM Objective B: District 6 stakeholders will be educated in evidence-based family engagement principles Objective C: District 6 will research and develop a list of evidence-based resources that may assist in enhancing family skills Recommendation: Probation should utilize an evidence-based and family strength- based assessment tool
Strategic Area: Training Goal: District 6 stakeholders are better informed about the behavioral health needs of high-risk juveniles (Substance Use, Mental Health, and Trauma) Objective A: District 6 shall educate stakeholders (such as school system, medical providers, people in the trenches who have direct contact with youth, etc…) in identifying high-risk youth Objective B: District 6 shall provide stakeholders and interested community members with training in recognizing and addressing trauma Objective C: District 6 shall provide stakeholders with training on substance use and co-occurring disorders
Statewide Reintegration Goal (from the Statewide Reintegration Committee) Goal: Each District has a comprehensive understanding of statewide reintegration practices Objective A: Each District will gather information regarding successful and unsuccessful reintegration efforts, including treatment successes and those that incorporate positive youth outcomes, to send to key stakeholders