National Alcohol Policy in Malaysia Saroja Krishnaswamy Professor and Head of Department Penang Medical CollegePenang
Malaysia Gender ratio 51% males 49% females Ethnic composition 65.1% Bumiputra 26.0% Chinese 7.7% Indians Others 1.2%
History Wine brought in the 17th and 18th century by Portugese and Dutch merchants and local populace imbibed. 19th and 20th century British brought in Chinese and Indians for tin mines and estates Alcohol in plantations todddy, moonshine Opium, spirits and later samsu in tin mines. 1930’s beer with first brewery in Singapore and later Malaya.Other spirits Scotch whisky,cognac
National Policy No national alcohol policy but there is one on heroin
Influence of Islam Influence of Islam especially in Kelantan
Alcohol Revenues Some campaigns especially non governmental org Services in hospitals Resources
Need for National Alcohol Policy Increase in consumption and alcohol related problems Increase drinking in women urban, estates and youths Powerful transnational corporations in manufacturing and marketing Diferential impact on men and women Proliferation of unliscensed,illegal adulterated alcohol Retail outlets
What should be done? epidemiological studies on impact of alcohol use legislation age limits, drink driving enforce laws liscensing, illegal drink education in schools treatment facilities alcohol prices advertising
Conclusion muslim abstemious population profits social toll from ‘samsu’ corporate responsibility comprehensive approach