Mgr. Ema Jarošová
Past simple describes actions which are complete. We use it for: Past actions or a sequence of past actions I woke up very early. Then I got dressed, had breakfast... A state, evet, action that lasted for a period of time in the past The sudents waited for a month to get their exam results. A habit in the past When we were children, we often went to the cinema.
Past continuous describes states, events or actions which are temporary or incomplete. We use it To emphasise that a past event continued for some time It was raining all day. To describe an action in progress at a particular time in the past, or a temporary past situation or event We were watching TV at nine o´clock last night.
To describe two or more past actions happening at the same time He was cooking the dinner while she was talking to him. To set the scene in a story The sun was rising above distant hills and the birds were singing. To talk about something we were planning or expected to happen We were planning to move to Canada but decided to stay here instead.
We use past simple and past continuous With when and as/while to talk about a past action or event that was interrupted While we were having dinner, they arrived. We were having dinner when they arrived.