Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Fuel cells, including their applications New technologies for energy carriers (hydrogen and electricity) New and advanced concepts in renewable energy technologies Capture and sequestration of CO 2 Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy Medium and long-term research actions (405 M€)
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Fuel cells Developing competitive fuel cell systems Fuel cells development low temperature FC high temperature FC System development for : domestic and industrial co-generation and air-conditioning power generation (0.5-5 MW) portable power systems small road vehicles heavy duty transportation
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Energy carriers: Hydrogen Preparing for large scale utilization of hydrogen in the energy system Clean production Infrastructure (distribution and storage) Basic materials Safety Hydrogen economy
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Energy carriers: Electricity Transforming electricity grids to energy service networks Systems and components for large scale use of distributed energy resources Energy storage and systems for grid connected applications Enabling technologies for interactive networks
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Renewable energy technologies Photovoltaics Biomass and bioenergy Other areas such as wind geothermal ocean concentrated solar thermal
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP RET: Photovoltaics Making PV-electricity more competitive Concepts and materials for next generation solar cells Processing and manufacturing technologies for PV modules and cells PV components and systems PV in the built environment
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP RET: Biomass and bio-energy Producing cheaper and cleaner bio-energy Combustion technologies Gasification systems Biofuels for transport and fuel cells Energy from bio-residues and energy crops
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP CO 2 capture and sequestration Looking for reliable, cost-efficient solutions Post-combustion capture Pre-combustion capture Geological sequestration Chemical / mineral sequestration
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy Developing models and tools to study social and economic issues related to new energy technologies energy external costs social issues related to implementation of energy technologies, incl. ethics quantitative and qualitative forecasting methods
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Some other energy related activities Euratom programme for nuclear research Specific research activities for SMEs Marie Curie actions Research infrastructures RTD supporting European policies Specific measures in support of International co-operation ERA NET scheme - co-ordination of national activities
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Sustainable Energy Systems 2003 and 2004 calls for proposals 2003 and 2004 calls for proposals
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Road map Yearly calls major mid-term review of the work programme (and the road map) call texts specify which areas are open and for which instruments common (FP6) evaluation criteria and thresholds list of topics for IP and NoE proposals previous submission of an EoI gives no preference to any proposals possible competition between and within research topic areas specified areas for STREP proposals
Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystem Stockholm-pat III WP Road map 18 March M€198M€~ 65% for new instruments December M€4M€ (*) ~ 65% for new instruments December 2004 December 2005 Total405M€405M€ S. M. BudgetClosing dates M. L. Comments To be decided (*) Specific Support Actions + Co-ordination Actions