ILL Inter-Library Loan. Inter-Library Loan -2--2- Overview The ILL module is for the management of Inter-library loans received and sent by Your library.


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Presentation transcript:

ILL Inter-Library Loan

Inter-Library Loan Overview The ILL module is for the management of Inter-library loans received and sent by Your library. ILL applications : Ill gui Web opac Web services

Inter-Library Loan Outgoing and Incoming Requests ILL Outgoing requests: those which were initiated by your patrons and sent to outside suppliers. ILL Incoming requests: those which were initiated by outside institutions and received by your library.

Inter-Library Loan ILL Outgoing Request Main Participants An ILL request creates: BIB record in the USM20 Library ADM record in the USM50 Library An ILL request is connected to: Patron Supplier Patron’s Request Request/s to Supplier

Inter-Library Loan ILL Outgoing Request Structure ILL BIB Library (USM20) ADM Record (USM50) Patron Request Z40 Request to Supplier Z41 Patron Z303,Z305 Supplier Z70,Z72 Request to Supplier Z41

Inter-Library Loan ILL Outgoing Request Workflow Define the patron in the Circulation Module. Define the Supplier/s in the Admin/ILL module. Create an ILL request (loan/photocopy) from Web/GUI. ‘Locate’ the BIB20 record in other databases (optional).

Inter-Library Loan ILL Outgoing Request Workflow Create request/s and send to supplier/s Correspond with the supplier (optional) Register item’s arrival, loan to patron and debit the patron. Return the material from the patron, through the ILL sub-library to the supplier (for media type: Loan).

Inter-Library Loan

Patron’s Prerequisites Circulation Module Make sure the patron has an ILL sub-library defined in his Global User Information (Z303) and a valid expiry date in the Local Information (Z305). Otherwise a loan of ILL material will not be possible. Define the ILL Total and the ILL Active Limit parameters in the Global user information form.

Inter-Library Loan -10- Patron Definition for ILL

Inter-Library Loan -11- Patron Definition for ILL

Inter-Library Loan -12- Supplier’s Prerequisites Administration or ILL Modules Click General supplier information (Z70) Account information (Z70): currency, arrival delay, delivery delay, request delivery format, request send method, form type. Address information (Z72). Define vendor’s media & copyright regulations in tab47.lng.

Inter-Library Loan -13- ILL Supplier Information-Tab I

Inter-Library Loan -14- ILL Supplier Information-Tab II

Inter-Library Loan -15- tab47.lng ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!! UOA N N L-BOOK Book (loan) UOA Y N C-BOOK Book (photo) UOA N N L-SERIAL Serial (loan) UOA Y N C-SERIAL Serial (photo) UOA N N L-CONFERENCE Conference (loan) UOA Y N C-CONFERENCE Conference (photo) 1. Supplier code 2. Copyright agreement needed 3. Request blocked if copyright agreement not provided 4. Material type 5. Material type description

Inter-Library Loan -16- Creating a New ILL Request ILL requests can be initiated by the user through WEB OPAC, or by the operator through GUI ILL. The first stage is to fill in the patron’s request form (Z40), according to the material type: Journal / article Book / thesis Conference proceedings Report

Inter-Library Loan -17- The ILL Library Index In the designated ILL library (USM20), you must make sure that the Update Documents daemon (UE-01) is running. This will allow searching for titles by bibliographic fields.

Inter-Library Loan -18- ILL Request - WEB OPAC

Inter-Library Loan -19- ILL Request - GUI

Inter-Library Loan -20- Sending the Patron’s Request After sending the request (from the Web or from the GUI), the requested title will get a new system number in the ILL library (USM20). The title will also have a new ADM number in the library’s Administrative library (USM50).

Inter-Library Loan -21- Tracking ILL Requests Find record by ADM no./ System no./ Bibliographic information Search in ILL Requests Index Browse by: supplier code, patron ID, title, voucher, status date. Filters parameters: ILL sub-library, request status, dates, rush requests.

Inter-Library Loan -22- Requests Index

Inter-Library Loan -23- The Patron’s Request When retrieving a request, the following three screens are displayed: Patron Information window Request to Supplier window Bibliographical Information window *Note the ADM number for this request

Inter-Library Loan -24- BIB Information

Inter-Library Loan -25- BIB Information Modify the Request, Edit the BIB & ADM Records The bibliographic record (in library USM20) has special fields which contain information about the ILL request. ISS and 592 are ALEPH fields designated for USM20 bibliographic records. Push to the Catalog Module, to modify request details. OR use the Navigation window to access BIB & ADM for modification.

Inter-Library Loan -26- BIB Information Locating the Material in Other Databases You can try to ‘locate’ the requested material in one or more databases defined in the system. The locate function for external databases can use the Z39.50 gateway The list is defined by the system librarian in tab_locate.

Inter-Library Loan -27- Patron Information Displays information about the patron and his request/s, using tab_user_display.lng. for example: User information Suppliers and request status ILL library and Pickup library ILL limits

Inter-Library Loan -28- Patron Information

Inter-Library Loan -29- Patron Information Add information about the patron’s request. Correspond with the patron: asking for more information, copyright signatures, etc. Send cancellation letter to patron and suppliers.

Inter-Library Loan -30- Request to Suppliers

Inter-Library Loan -31- Requests to Suppliers Entering Supplier & Request Details (Z41) ILL supplier must be selected. Request details to be filled in: method & format of sending the request, requested media, dates, price, currencies, etc.

Inter-Library Loan -32- Request to Suppliers

Inter-Library Loan -33- Request to Suppliers Send request to the supplier. Three types of replies from supplier, which generate a letter to the patron: 1) Re-apply at a later date 2) More information is needed 3) Request for early recall of loaned item

Inter-Library Loan -34- Arrival from Supplier Arrival of material is registered, and arrival notes are printed. For media-L (loan), an item is created and a loan is made through the Circulation module according to tab37. Target Type 5 in tab37 is designated for items received through ILL.

Inter-Library Loan -35- Arrival Form

Inter-Library Loan -36- Request to Suppliers Registers that the material has been returned and a return letter is printed. A request to supplier can be cancelled. Supplier’s details can be viewed (tab_vendor_display.lng). Correspondence with the supplier

Inter-Library Loan -37- ILL Cash Transactions When you click, an ILL Cash Transaction is created as defined in tab18.lng. Note that the patron’s fee is defined in tab_ill_charge. The patron debit can be viewed through the User Information window in the Circulation module.

Inter-Library Loan -38- Cash Transaction

Inter-Library Loan -39- tab_ill_charge 1. Borrower status 2. Supplier status (type) 3. Page size 4. Media type (L or C) 5. Fixed charge1 (last two positions = decimal points. 6. Fixed charge2 (last two positions = decimal points. 7. Fixed charge3 (last two positions = decimal points. 8. Start counting after page X. 9. Fee per page (last two positions = decimal points !!-!!-!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!-!!!-!!!!!!!!!! ## ## ## L ## ## ## C ## ## ## C ## ## ## C ## ## L

Inter-Library Loan -40- Request to Suppliers Request Statuses A request can have various statuses. (Statuses are defined in ILL-REQ-UPD-STATUS in pc_tab_exp_field.lng ) Status changes according to functionality and can also be changed manually by the librarian. Status determines available options on the Request to Supplier window.

Inter-Library Loan -41- Requests Index

Inter-Library Loan -42- ILL Request Log (Z45) Can be viewed by clicking from the Patron Information, Requests to Suppliers and Bib. Information windows.

Inter-Library Loan -43- Log transactions (tab46.lng) An entry is made in the log when: An ILL patron’s request is created. A request to supplier is created. The request’s status is changed. A voucher is allocated. A letter is sent to patron/supplier. A claim is sent. The requested item is returned to the library. An Incoming ILL request is created. A response to Incoming request is made. A general note is added.

Inter-Library Loan -44- BL Format - Customer ID Select: menu bar/Options/Handle Voucher/Customer In a request where British Library format (BL) is chosen, the customer ID (Z43) must be entered. The Customer ID option can be also used for other suppliers. The customer ID’s sub-library must match the Patron’s ILL sub-library.

Inter-Library Loan -45- BL Format - Keywords Keywords can be defined in in BL-KEYWORDS in pc_tab_exp_field.lng according to the British Library’s required format. The Keywords window is opened when you click on a BL format request.

Inter-Library Loan -46- Vouchers (Z44) Select: menu bar/Options/Handle Vouchers Vouchers can be defined in the supplier’s currency list as a method of payment. When you click, the system will automatically try to allocate vouchers.

Inter-Library Loan -47- Main ILL Batch Services * Print report of new requests (b-ill-01) Claim report and letters (b-ill-02) Send list of requests to a supplier (b_ill_10) Send requests to the British Library (b-ill-05) ILL request report (b-ill-07) Static status requests report (b-ill-08) * Batch services for the Outgoing part.

Inter-Library Loan -48- Outgoing Request- Aleph tables tab_ill_index - Display of Bibliographic fields in the Outgoing request’s index. tab_ill_request.lng - Display of Outgoing request-related field. tab_return_data.lng - Display of fields in the ILL Outgoing return (of loan) screen. tab47.lng - Define vendor’s media & copyright regulations.

Inter-Library Loan -49- Outgoing Request- Aleph tables tab46.lng - ILL log transactions. tab_user_display.lng - Display of patron information. In version 500_14.1: tab_bor_display.lng tab_vendor_display.lng - Display of supplier information.

Inter-Library Loan -50- ILL Incoming Requests

Inter-Library Loan -51- ILL Incoming Request Main Participants ILL Incoming request is located in: the BIB Library (USM01) A record is created in : the ADM Library (USM50) ILL Incoming request is connected to: ILL Borrower Info.

Inter-Library Loan -52- ILL Incoming Request Structure BIB Library (USM01) ADM Record (USM50) Incoming Request Z46 ILL Borrower. Z303,Z305 Incoming Request Z46

Inter-Library Loan -53- ILL Incoming Request Workflow: Define the ILL borrower as an ALEPH borrower (Z305). New borrower status can be added to tab31 (Borrower Privileges). Locate the requested item in the BIB Library (USM01). Create an incoming ILL request.

Inter-Library Loan -54- ILL Incoming Request Run batch service (b-ill-50) to retrieve new incoming requests. Process the requests. Send the item to the requester (ILL borrower). Return the material.

Inter-Library Loan -55- ILL Borrower

Inter-Library Loan -56- ILL Incoming Request

Inter-Library Loan -57- ILL Incoming Request

Inter-Library Loan -58- ILL Incoming Request Entering Incoming Request Details (Z46) Library/Borrower ID, requested media, requested pages, send method. Processing the request In order to retrieve new incoming requests, run b_ill_50 or use the button for a single request.

Inter-Library Loan -59- ILL Incoming Request The button on the ILL Request displays “Reply” window :

Inter-Library Loan -60- ILL Incoming Request On the Reply types you can: 1) perform a loan and print a loan slip. 2) print a photocopy slip. 3) print reject or “not available” letter. 4) place a hold request on behalf of the ILL borrower. 5) correspond with the borrower.

Inter-Library Loan -61- ILL Incoming Request Press when loan is returned. Press to view or update information on the ILL borrower as an ALEPH user (tab_bor_display.lng). Press to read the list of request- related activities that have occurred.

Inter-Library Loan -62- ILL Incoming Request Request Statuses A request can have various statuses. Statuses are defined in ILL-REQ-IN- STATUS in pc_tab_exp_field.lng. Status changes according to operations and can also be changed manually by the librarian. Status determines available options on the Request to Supplier window.

Inter-Library Loan -63- Updating Incoming Requests Options : Find record by Adm no./ System no./ Bibliographic information Search in ILL incoming requests index: Browse by: Library ID, title. Filters parameters: request status, request date.

Inter-Library Loan -64- Incoming Requests Index

Inter-Library Loan -65- Incoming request-Aleph tables tab_ill_in_index - Display of Bibliographic fields in the Incoming request’s index. tab_ill_in_request.lng - Display of Incoming request related field. tab_ill_in _return_data.lng - Display of fields in the ILL Incoming return (of loan) screen. Tab46.lng - ILL log transactions (common for Incoming & Outgoing Request).