U RETER. Congenital anomalies. Obstruction of ureter and consequences.
B LADDER. Congenital anomalies. Bladder diverticulum. Bladder neoplasms. Risk factors for bladder cancers.
U RETHRA. Function. Parts.
P ENIS. Hypospadias vs epispadias. Phimosis.
TESTIS. Cryptochidism. Varicocele, hydrocele & hematocele. Testicular cancers(Germ cell vs sex cord tumors).
PROSTATE. Prostatitis. Nodular hyperplasia. Adenocarcinoma of prostate.
S AMPLE QUESTION. A 55-year-old man has dysuria, increased frequency, and urgency of urination for the past 6 months. He has sometimes experienced mild lower back pain. On physical examination, he is afebrile. There is no costovertebral angle tenderness. The prostate gland feels normal in size; no nodules are palpable. Laboratory studies show that expressed prostatic secretions contain 30 leukocytes per high-power field & Culture of prostatic secretion was negative. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. BPH. B. Adenocarcinoma of prostate. C. Chronic abacterial prostatitis. D. Acute bacterial prostatitis.
S AMPLE QUESTION. A 64-year-old man visits his physician for an annual examination. He complains of a recent 9.1-kg (20-lb) unintentional weight loss and pain in his back and pelvis. Otherwise, he has no complaints. His examination is notable for point tenderness along his spine and pelvis. He also had firm prostate nodules palpated on digital rectal examination. Which of the following laboratory values would be expected in this patient. A. PSA, Calsium, ALP B. PSA, Calsium, ALP. C. PSA, Calsium, ALP. D. PSA, Calsium, ALP.
S AMPLE QUESTION. A 65-year-old man presents to the office with complaints regarding his urine. He states that he has recently had bloody urine, but does not have any urinary pain, hesitation, dribbling, or increased frequency. He also says he has lost 4.5 kg (10 lb) over the past 2 months. A biopsy of the patient’s bladder wall is shown in the image. Which of the following risk factors has the strongest association with this patient’s disease? A. Alcohol. B. Aniline dye exposure. C. Smoking. D. Pelvic irradiation.