Plasma Science and Applications Committee Report Brendan Godfrey, PSAC ExCom Chair 22 October 2011 NPSS AdCom Meeting
Fall ExCom Election Results Many strong candidates –At least two for every position New Members (3-yr term) –David Abe, Farhat Beg, Robert Jackson, Michael Mazarakis, Donald Shiffler, Mary Ann Sweeney New AdCom rep (4-yr term) –Christine Coverdale All changes effective 1 January 2012 Contact information and subcommittee assignments at –
Proposed MCM Agreement MCM has effectively helped manage last three ICOPS –Thanks to NPSS for covering some introductory costs! MCM to help manage ICOPS 2013 and 2014 –Not ICOPS 2012 due to distance, but provided advice anyway PSAC and MCM negotiating longer term relationship –Selection of MCM as provider of choice –Standard services and pricing structure –Opt-out option for individual ICOPS chairs ExCom vote scheduled for 13 Nov 11 meeting –Agreement already has been circulated among members –Remaining issues to be resolved soon
ICOPS/SOFE 2011 Update Conference successful technically –705 attendees Conference successful financially –Return comfortably in excess of 15% projected Close-out expected within two months –A few minor bills still trickling in
Upcoming ICOPS ICOPS 2012 progressing well –Chair: Michael Kong –8 – 12 July 2012, Edinburgh International Conference Centre –Plasma Medicine and Plasma Healthcare mini-course offered –Genady Mesyats to receive IEEE Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award –PSAC Award and Outstanding Student Award to be presented –AdCom meeting to be held in conjunction with ICOPS 2012
Future ICOPS ICOPS 2013 (joint with Pulsed Power) –9 – 14 June 2013, San Francisco, California USA –Chair: Brian Oliver ICOPS 2014 –25 – 30 May 2014, Washington, DC USA –Chair: Joseph Schumer ICOPS 2015 –Spring 2015 – Istanbul or Antalya, Turkey –Chair: Lutfi Oksuz(Advisor: Edl Schamiloglu) ICOPS 2016 –Spring 2016 – Site under discussion