How do you ‘feed’ the world?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. In the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself. St. Augustine of Hippo counseled his people: ‘Go and become what you receive, the Body of Christ in the world.’ “Theirs (Christians) is the task of contributing with the light of the Gospel to the building of a more human world, a world fully in harmony with God’s plan. Blessed Pope John Paul II taught: ‘All who take part in the Eucharist [are called to] be committed to changing their lives and making them in a certain way completely “Eucharistic”.
How do you ‘feed’ the world? The Fruits of Holy Communion are the sacramental graces, or effects, of receiving Holy Communion. Holy Communion: increases our union with Christ; separates us from sin; offers us strength to preserve us from mortal sin; expands the life of the Church; commits us to care for the poor.
The power of Christ’s presence Ecumenism: The efforts among all Christians to bring about the fulfillment of Christ’s will for the unity of his followers. The Eucharist is the primary source for the reconciliation and unity of Christians. Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion renews, strengthens and deepens the unity and solidarity of the faithful to be the one Body of Christ, the Church. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ that gives us personal strength, through the Eucharist, within the community of disciples to be bonded with Christ and His Body.
Temptation can block us from living in right and loving relationships. Sin impedes the growth of love of God, neighbor and self. Holy Communion separates us from sin: Our venial sins are forgiven. We are strengthened in our battle against mortal sin. Receiving Holy Communion strengthens our ability to live the Law of Love. The sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is the ultimate sign and expression of divine and human love. The power of Christ’s presence
Preparing for the Eucharist Disciple comes from the Latin ‘disciplina’ meaning ‘learning or teaching.’ We are called to a life of discipline as we learn and live what Jesus taught.*Faithful and fruitful participation in the Eucharist requires discipline. We prepare our heart.... We need to make sure that our heart is truly open and ready to receive this gift of love. Examining our conscience helps us prepare to open our heart to God. We need to be in a state of grace, or free from grave sin, before receiving Holy Communion. Receiving the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation opens our heart to the love of God and strengthens us to share that love with others.
Preparing for the Eucharist We prepare our mind.... We take time before the beginning of Mass to focus our mind on what we are about to do. We ask the Holy Spirit to heighten our awareness that it is Christ, the Bread of Life, whom we will receive. Faith in the Real Presence, that the Eucharist is truly and really the Body and Blood of Christ, is essential to our readiness to receive the Eucharist.
Preparing for the Eucharist We prepare our body.... The Church requires that we fast from food and drink for one hour before receiving Holy Communion. Fasting heightens our awareness of God at work in our life. This short period of fasting serves to heighten our hunger and our desire to receive the Bread of Life.
Participation in the Eucharist The mnemonic ALTAR: a guide to prayer after Communion Adoration: Kneel in silent adoration and gratitude. Welcome the Real Presence of Jesus. Love: Express your love for Jesus; ask him to send his Spirit to kindle the same spark of love in your heart for others that he has for you. Talk: Open your mind and heart in conversation with Jesus. Ask: Acknowledge the blessings you have received; ask for the graces that you most need. Repent/Resolve: Ask for forgiveness and the strength to make and keep resolutions to live as a disciple of Jesus.