Concrete Words and Sensory Details
Concrete Words These words are exact and specific. We use concrete words in our writing to better SHOW the reader. Concrete words are words that we can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. If you cannot use your senses for a word, they are VAGUE and does not create a picture for your reader.
Using Your Senses In Writing Five Senses: See Hear Touch Taste Smell How do you know if your words are concrete? Ask yourself if you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, or smell it.
How to Make Your Story Concrete Vague Description: I feel happy. Better Description: Her smile went from ear to ear, and she had a little skip in her walk. We cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell happy. When you picture “happy” it may be different than what someone else sees.
How to make your story concrete Vague Description: The smell from the kitchen was yummy. Better Description: The smell from the kitchen was a blend of cooked peaches and vanilla wafers. I can’t wait for desert. Describe “yummy”
How to make your story concrete. Vague Description: It tastes good. Better Description: The brownie was crusty on the outside and still a little gooey in the center. Just the way Grandma made them.
REVIEW Concrete Words: – Tell exactly what something is. – They are specific. Sensory Details: – Helps “show” your story. – See – Hear – Feel – Taste – Smell