NADSFL Strategic Language Summit Glastonbury, CT July 13-15, 2009 Marty Abbott, ACTFL Director of Education
Implementing Change Have a clear direction and articulate the vision “Begin where you are but don’t stay there…” “In times of rapid change, experience is your worst enemy.” Involve stakeholders Get your “early adopters” on board “Keep your enemies close” Talk the talk AND walk the walk Make sure all languages are included Respect teachers’ time Keep your sense of humor
Top Ten “Buts…” But this is so sudden… Yet another top down mandate… But this takes so much time… But I teach upper levels… But I’m a grammarian… But our textbooks don’t have this… But I haven’t had enough training…
Top Ten “Buts…” continued But I need to get my students ready for SAT II tests National Exams College AP/IB exams Life But my students will never be able to do this… But I’m going to retire soon…