Warm Up #5 5. Common Vocabulary: Look at your common vocabulary and find 3 words you do not know and find the definitions for them, using your phone and/or a dictionary in the class. We will discuss.
ANDREW CARNEGIE, “THE GOSPEL OF WEALTH” (1889) The Gilded Age : Reading Primary Documents
Andrew Carnegie, “The Gospel of Wealth” (1889) One of the richest men in Gilded Age America, industrialist Andrew Carnegie promoted what he called the gospel of wealth, the idea that those who accumulated money had an obligation to use it to promote the advancement of society. He explained his outlook in this article in the North American Review, one of the era’s most prominent magazines. Carnegie would become famous for practicing what he preached. He helped to fund the creation of public libraries throughout the United States and overseas, and gave money to philanthropies and charities ranging from Carnegie Hall in New York City to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. But as an employer, he was tyrannical, strongly opposing labor unions and approving the use of violence against his own workers, including in the Homestead Strike that took place three years after the publication of this article.
Directions: We will read through this together. As you read I want you to annotate! Highlight words you don’t know. Circle sentences that are important Underline sentences that you don’t understand Make little notes/summaries on the side of each paragraph. Number the paragraphs! If you have your own personal way of annotating while you read that is different than mine, then feel free to use your way instead of mine! As long as you are actively reading!
Remember! What is important right now in reading this primary document, is that you understand what the author is saying. That you be able to summarize in your own words what the author had written.
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 1: He says there is problem with the spreading of wealth between rich and poor. In the old days there was little distinction between a rich man and a poor man. (Uses the Sioux Indian tribe as an example.) He says now there is a large gap between the rich and poor.
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 2: This gap is a good thing, it is better to have a wealthy men than to have everybody be poor. We can not change it so no point in trying to, must accept it.
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 3: The people of the US are now supporting a graduated tax or the rich should be taxed more than the poor. Carnegie supports this idea.
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 4: Charity is good but only temporarily and only to the “worthy” people. Worthy people are people who can help themselves and do not always need assistance. A rich man is good when they help a worthy person but is not good when they help unworthy people (people who wont solve their own problems)
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 5: The best thing to do is to donate money to things that have lasting good on the whole public. Public libraries, parks, museums, etc… Donate money to things that will be like a ladder for people to improve their lives.
Analyzing the Document Paragraph 6: Philanthropy and donation to public works will solve the problem of the Rich and Poor "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced."
Analyzing the Document 7 th Paragraph: This “Gospel of Wealth” (his ideas written in this article) will solve the problem of rich and poor.