Start Driver T1 view The demo is initiated by pushing the start button of Driver T1 Driver T1 approaches the signal The speed of driver T1 is medium as shown in the Accelerator indicator
Driver T1 view The signal is not working and is always in a position which allows trains to pass Driver T1 passes the signal The speed of driver T1 is medium as shown in the Accelerator indicator
Killick view Killick sees driver T1 approaching the tunnel The signal is supposed to be in closing position preventing trains to pass the tunnel, however the signal goes wrong and take the open position. The alarm detecting a signal failure start ringing. At that moment Killick to reset the signal, set the alarm off, and set the telegraph to occupied.
Actually killick set the alarm off and set the telegraph to occupied, but forget to reset the signal. The signal stayed in the open position indicating a free way for trains to pass
Driver T2 view Before Killick reset the signal Driver T2 approaches The speed of driver T2 is medium as shown in the Accelerator indicator
Driver T2 view Driver T2 crosses the signal The speed of driver T2 is medium as shown in the Accelerator indicator
Killick view Killick wave the red flag when he sees driver T2 crossing the signal to prevent driver T2 from entering the tunnel
Unfortunately the signal is still in the up position
Driver T2 view Driver T2 who crossed the signal, is supposed to see the red flag from Killick indicating for him to stop
God view Driver T1 is in the tunnel, driver T2 crossed the signal, Killick is waving the red flag to driver T2 to stop him from entering the tunnel, and the signal is still in the up position
Driver T3 view Driver T3 approaches the signal and seeing it in a position which allows trains passing, crosses the signal When driver T3 crosses the signal, the signal goes back to its closing position The speed of driver T3 is medium as shown in the Accelerator indicator
Driver T1 goes out of the tunnel
Brown view Brown sees driver T1 going out of the tunnel and set the telegraph to clear indicating to Killick that the tunnel is empty
God view Killick sees the telegraph set to clear by Brown, wave the white flag to driver T3 indicating that he can enter the tunnel
Driver T3 view Driver T3 sees the white flag from Killick indicating that he can enter the tunnel. At that moment driver T3 accelerates his speed.
Driver T2 view Driver T2 sees the red flag, re-bounce, and crashes with Driver T3
God view Driver T1 is out of the tunnel and Driver T1 and T2 are crashing