November 5 is Election Day Tuesday, November 5 is Election Day. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The following two bond propositions are supported by TAR and HAR and will be on all election ballots throughout the state of Texas: HAR has issued a list of recommended candidates for City of Houston and The Woodlands Township municipal elections. See HAR Connect for a complete voter guide, including polling location and voter photo I.D. information:
HAR Again Holds the Line on Dues Dues notices have gone out to HAR members and if you haven't read yours yet, the good news is that the Board of Directors voted to maintain the current dues level for the 11th straight year. In fact, when combining HAR dues and MLS subscriber fees, the total amount paid is actually lower than what members paid in 1997 – and countless benefits have been added since then. HAR continues to receive accolades across the country for our ground- breaking Consumer Research Panel work that has provided valuable insights into the minds and actions of Houston-area consumers. The HAR-ETS transaction management solution, powered by SureClose®, launched in 2012 and has seen exponential growth in usage among our members during the past year. After an initial firm setup fee of $350-$500, depending on the size of your firm and desired customization, there are no additional transaction fees. That is a huge benefit to you as a member – as well as your clients! You’ll find more HAR member dues information at
HAR Tool of the Week LeadConnect LeadConnect allows listing agents to be connected over the phone with the consumer as soon as a lead is generated on This tool enables the listing agent to respond to a consumer’s inquiry immediately and offers agents a higher chance of converting their lead into a sale. LeadConnect will be configured to send the notifications to the contact number (preferred number or mobile number) that we have on record for you. We recommend that all members verify their contact number; you will need to login to the HAR Members Only Portal using your username and password to do this. For more information about LeadConnect and to start using that tool today, go to
Weekly HAR Market Stat Holiday decorations area already hanging in department stores across the country, and their mere presence just might affect housing activity for those prone to a good winter hunker. Comparisons to year-ago levels will show improvement and recovery, even as general activity will likely slow through the rest of With rates seemingly in a continuous go-low zone, the thrifty buyer and willing seller will still meet for transactional tea. In the Houston region, for the week ending October 27: New Listings increased 5.5% to 1,829 Pending Sales increased 27.3% to 1,602 Closed Sales decreased 4.9% to 1,220
Questions? ext. 6 Open Your Mind to Learning Register at Broker Responsibility The purpose of this course is to address the regulatory aspects of the management, operation and supervision of a real estate brokerage firm in Texas. This course provides an understanding and working knowledge of the law of agency, planning and organization of business entities, requirements for written policies and procedures, records retention and control, advertising, recruitment and training of agents, and the anatomy of a complaint filed with Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC). Date: Tuesday, Nov. 19 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: HAR Central Investment: $50 Date: Monday, Nov. 25 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Location: HAR Central Investment: $50