Tepper Real Estate Club Tepper Real Estate Club Kick-off Meeting 9/29/2006
Agenda 1.Welcome 2.Board Member Introduction 3.Club Overview & Initiatives 4.Invitation to Prospective Members 5.Moving Forward…
Board members Matthew Ware, President Philip Johns, Vice President Jeff Sarkisian, Vice President
overview The Real Estate Club promotes education and networking opportunities for graduate students interested in the Real Estate Industry Professional Speakers Development Site Tours External Competitions (ULI Competition) Industry Interaction
Professional Speakers Industry education and interaction is our primary objective. Real Estate Investing (Jeff Myers) First Time Home Buying (TBD) City Government (TBD)
Development Tours Development site tours we are looking into scheduling include: American Eagle Headquarters 3 PNC Tower Proposed City Casino Sites
External Case competitions Urban Land Institute Design Competition –Cross-campus teams of 4-5 students compete in this prestigious national design competition –$50,000 prize money to the winning team! Others TBD
membership 2 year membership: $30 1 year membership: $20
To become a member Make your check payable to “Carnegie Mellon University” On the memo line of the check label “Real Estate Club 2007 Dues” Deliver your check BY SEPT 10 to Philip Johns, via school mailbox, which is located by the 1 st year student lockers –Please follow-up the delivery of the check via –PJ will confirm receipt of your check via
Any questions ? Thank you for attending