HomeIntroductionTaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page
What is the teeth? Teeth of humans are small, hard, whitish structures found in the mouth. The teeth play an important role in the cutting and crushing of food in the mouth, for the process of digestion. The different types of teeth are; HomeIntroductionTaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page
Students will be asked to draw the different types of teeth and label them. HomeIntroductionTaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page
HomeIntroduction TaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page Students should visit these sites for more information: h&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Cv2vUb65EeqJ0QHj84HQDg&ved= 0CEcQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=667
Step 1: teacher will give the students play dough, each student will be asked to make the a model of the teeth Step 2: students will then use the play dough to make the pre molar, molar, canine and incisor tooth using the play dough Step 3: students will then place each model of the tooth in order therefore making a model of the teeth. HomeIntroduction TaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page
HomeIntroductionTaskProcessActivityTeacher’s Page