ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-1 Unit 17 Point Source Control Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act of 1972)
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-2 Major water pollutants Pathogens Organics Toxic organics Nutrients Heavy metals Sediments
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-3 Traditional water law Riparian rights Appropriative rights
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-4 CWA Point Source Control Program What is a point source? –Easily identifiable –Concentrated What is a nonpoint source? –Hard to identify –Diffuse
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-5 CWA Point Source Control Program National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) –NPDES permit
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-6 CWA Point Source Control Program Wasteload allocation –Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) htmlhttp:// html
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-7 CWA Point Source Control Program Nondischarge permits Municipal facilities Industrial facilities Aquatic toxicity reduction Pretreatment Operator certification & training Compliance & enforcement
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-8 Water Quality Standards Supported uses
ARE 309Ted Feitshans016-9 Water Supply Watershed Protection Protects surface water sources of drinking water Requires land use controls
ARE 309Ted Feitshans Surface Water Monitoring Program Benthic macroinvertibrates Fish community structure assessment Fish tissue Lake assessment Phytoplankton & algal bloom Algal growth potential tests Chemical/physical characteristics Sediment oxygen demand Ambient monitoring system
ARE 309Ted Feitshans State programs Most programs delegated High quality waters Outstanding resource waters